Glossopharyngeal Neuralgia?

Hi,to everyone.
I joined this site on a recommendation from my friend Jo,who is already an established member.
She said how friendly you all are and that someone may be able to give me some helpful advice.
Im not really sure what is wrong with me, at the moment .I was referred to the Ear Nose and Throat dept of the local hospital when what seemed like a simple throat infection didnt clear up with antibiotics back in March.The consultant there checked out my throat and couldnt see anything,so sent me for a barium meal swallow which was clear.He then gave me a mouthwash which hasnt helped.Im due to go back again next month.
The symptoms are a burning pain on the left side of my throat by my tonsils which comes on randomly throughout the day and then I get a feeling of pressure spread across the top left side of my jaw and across the left side of my nose.and a salty taste at the back of my throat.This can happen six times a day or upto twenty times.It lasts for a minute or two.and seems to be getting more frequent.The strange (good)thing is it never happens when Im asleep.
The reason I thought it might be something to do with neuralgia is that a few years ago I went to the dentist and he couldnt get the local anaesthetic to deaden my jaw to do a filling .Then a couple of years ago I had an abscess on a back tooth on my lower jaw and two lots of antibiotics didnt work.The dentist couldnt get the anaesthetic to work and spent an hour injecting me and tugging my tooth. Ive never known pain like it.Afterwards she said that the nerve was longer than normal in my face.I never really took much notice until now,but am going back in a few weeks time and will check with her.It might just be coincidence.You tend to clutch at straws when you cant find an answer to a problem.
Hope someone can help.Thanks Helen

Welcome to our group!

Thanks .Glad to be part of it.

Thank god we have living with tn so we can learn about all forms of TN

Maeve they are the same meds

Hi Helen,

I am new to, searching for answers.

I also went to the ENT clinic via the hospital. They treated me for a inner ear infection with antibiotics. It cleared it up a little. Although it has recently come back, worse!

My symptoms are all on the right side of my face. Deep deep ear pain, pain behind me eye, pain above my teeth / gums, feels like my nose is broken, pain down the right side of my neck … its long lasting. It goes on and on and on and only seems to come and night time. It is the worst pain in the world.

I am having a feeling it maybe Atypical Trigeminal Neuralgia. Im in the early stages of this new pain, but have suffered for about 10 years with other neurological problems. Starting a new round of testing this week with a MRA and MRI.

I see you posted this last month, so wondering how you are going since then.


Hi Bec, I wish you luck searching for answers, not an easy task. Did you have an ear infection? The docs use to give me antibiotics thining it would help me. I hope your Neuro can help with some answers. Hoping you are as pain free as possible! D