I On June 27th my life changed, again. This time for the better.
For the past three and a half years I have been suffering ice pick pain deep inside my ear. Only ever on the left ear. Ive had so many troubles with that ear in the past.
I have had litterally hundreds of ear infections, some treated, mostly not. I have had eardrums rupture on my pillow at night case it was so infected.
As I got older, and started taking care of myself, you know like "going to the dr. at least once a year. I went to have hearing and ear inspected.
It was suggested that I have a Tympanoplasty perfprmed on my left ear. This was due to the mass hearing damage done to the ear structures.
Flash forward 10 years or so. Flying in small poorly preasurized aircraft, my left ear would oflten get perforated significantly. Blowing bubbles out youe ear is a great party trick, (and a great pickup line) but not fun to have happen to you.
The ear would heal just fine and Id be out of commission for a few days while I got my ballance back.
One of if not he last times I flew the landing into Kamloops was so sudden, the atmospheric change actually made me ill.
I’ve had ear problems. I know them well. This something was wrong.
Fast forward to three years ago. After having Tinnitus that just wouldnt stop for several months I started having pain deep inside my ear. Unlile anything Ive ever felt before. I couldnt touch the source of the pain inside my ear or around the ear, but it was there for sure.
It was not so bad at first, but developed into 24hr/day pain.
Still having Tinnitus, now this feeling like I just stuck my tongue on a 9 volt battery (only more powerful)
After going to see family doctor, ENT specialist , Neurologists, ENT Neurologists and being a patient at the pain clinic for a couple of months (that took forever to get scheduled) my Pain Mamagement team told me if a great Neurosurgeon coming to town. After a couple of months the Dr. came to town, and an appointment scheduled.
Up to this point about 3 years has gone by. Sometimes excruciating pain that would break me down, and I would just take my sleeping pills and go back to sleep.
Work had been surportive of me until I has used all my sick days, then used vacation and overtime to cover appointments.
Now there is a hint of accusation in their eyes if u know what I mean.
Long story. Almost done.
Met the Neurosurgeon, he looked at the same mri / ct scans as the other doctors did, he said "You sound like you might have Geniculate Neuralgia.
Spend 2 months researching this new disorder and realozed just how right he was.
Fast forward 3 months, mvd was suggested, agreed to and waivers filled out.
Last thing was to wait for an OR time slot where both Neurosurgeons have available. (having two there is very helpful they tell me. Its a long surgery, and its good to have someone in the same field present if there is an anomily.
June 27th a day I wont forget. It was the day I got hit by a Mack truck.
At first we had discussed performing MVDs on facial nerve, Glopharngheal nerve (sp), and exploration of the Vestibular cochlea(sp) and sectioning of the Nervous Intermedius.
After getting a few shots from anstesia before to calm me down. (Anxiety since this started) the day becomes a blurr.
Almost 7 hours later the operation is finished. The facial nerve and vagus nerve were wrapped up with aerteries like boaconstrictors. The Vestibular cochlea (sp)was also compressed badly, and the.vagus nerve was as well.
They could not find the Nervous Intermedius as it looks to be under a bone in my body. Small bonus- I was frightened about sectioning a nerve.
The recovery was brutal. All I did was puke for three days. The Morphine was controlled by me. So anytime I felt pain I was supposed to click a button to release some. The problem was, I dont get along great with it apparently. Two minutes after I click for morphene BAM. Back to the bucket.
Finally one of the nurses believed me about puking anytime I click for more.
Stopped using Morphene and just kept taking RegStrength Tylenol. The puking got better and I am home now. Jul 1st!!!
So far my GN is gone! Tinnitus still there but I dont care right now.
Took 8 weeks off to recover, and start getting iff these drugs.
Thats a start to my story, and I hope it will bring hope to others out there.
Never stop fighting for you.