
Is it possible to get swelling in feet and ankles at a dose of 600mg a day? Also have puffiness under eyes. Anyone have this problem? I do believe this is a side effect of all anti-seizure Meds. So now what?

I'm on gabapentin also and when I was taking as little as 300 mg. a day I got swelling in my feet and especially my ankles. I also had puffy eyes. My dr. gave me a diuretic and it really helps. By the way I am now on 3600 mg. a day. Try going for the diuretic it really helps.

Seeing doctor Tues. was on prednisone for 6weeks so not sure whats causing the swelling. Been off the pred for 7weeks.

Im on the prednisone could be just the side effects of swelling from the prednisone. Ask your doctor about taking a diuretic for really helps with the swelling

I took it because they thought it was inflammation on the nerve. Wrong! This med wrecked me. Gained 20lbs, Moon face and stomach swelled like I was pregnant. Why are you taking it. I am seeming a endocrinologist tues on recommendation from my Gyn oddly enough. She seems to think Its the prednisone. Hope so and maybe I need more time. Still have slight moon face, I mean its still not my face. I really don't want to live with swollen feet, so ugly...

I've been on gabapentin for three days, while i was taking nothing, i was losing about 2lbs per week due to not beeing able or wanting to eat. this week i gained weight after taking the med' i dont want to look at the side effects, because i know ill quit taking it! I also have had some bruising, anyone else have this with this med?

The gaba help me a lot. takes some time to kick in. I bruise very easily so can't answer that. But it is a side effect. My concern is the swelling and it harming my kidneys. It does filter out though kidneys and not liver as my other do. It helped with the burning pain in my cheek. Give it more time.

Im also on this pill,for 11days now,since I just got out of the hospital.I took notice,my appetite went down,not eating much,and very shaky.I cant not lose anymore weight,im lucky if I hit 95pounds.But this pill does help with the pain.Anyone else have this.No swelling at all with me.

iam on gapapentine aswell 3thousand 600mg a day they help me but still get pain but not as bad as what it used to be like. i also have put on a lot of weight 2 stone in 1 half years i would love to give up taken them but i think i rather be fat and swolleen than have that horibile burning head banging pain x

I am actually losing weight. Its hard but its coming off. Most of weight gain was from prednisone I was on. Hopefully never taking that again. Worst drug ever. (Red you warned Me). Ladies no sweets, lots of vegetables and fruits, and stay away from SALT.

I m on gabapentin for 30 years now no problem, but you should see your neuro at once he may replace it

I m on gabapentin for 30 years now no problem, but you should see your neuro at once he may replace it

Do you, or have you ever had any cardiac issues? And is this swelling different than the typical swelling that occurs with prednisone (moonface etc?). What I mean is this a new symptom?

Catherine, I have a fast heart rate around 100per minute. That is from Nortriptyline. I already have palpations and Mitral value prolapse, so this isn't the best med for me. Doctor did ekg and echo and is not to concerned about it. I have swelling under my eyes they look like puffy bags, worse in morning. Moon face is staring to go away, but have 10lbs to lose so my face looks fat too. Swelling in bottom legs, ankles and feet. I am going to see a endocrinologist tues to find out whats causing all this and to rule out the gabapentin. I still might be having side effects from the Prednisone. I finished taking it on May 2, was told it could takes months to get back to normal. I take only 600mg of gaba. It has help a lot with burning pain I was getting. Nothing helps the stiffness or tight feeling I get in the cheek. That is there always and is very annoying and painful without the meds. That's why I hope the swelling is not coming from the meds I am taking since I need them to be comfortable. Never pain free. All this started after my last dental cleaning. Do you have heart problems?

I have Mitral valve prolapse also, and my TN had been in remission for about a year until I had my teeth cleaned! (GRRR, had I know I would have stayed with dirty teeth!) I have no idea why something so minor as a cleaning would make it come back, just praying it goes into remission again! I asked if you had any cardiac issues because dependent edema (swelling in the extremeties) can be a symptom of congestive heart failure, but don't freak out! It's probably the prednisone for you. Also I am NOT a doctor! Maybe try elevating your feet above heart level and see if that helps with the edema if it is uncomfortable for you.

I've been taking the Neurontin (100mg twice daily), but I also take it with the Klonopin (0.25mg)(at night only) and I have been relatively pain free for a couple of days now (have just started taking meds for the first time this week). I still feel a little pinch in my cheek and gums, but I can eat and brush my teeth and talk. Maybe talk to your doctor about a new recipe for your pain because 100 bpm is a little high, and I worry that (or wonder if) it could maybe cause some cardiac damage in the long run (I'm assuming this is your resting heart rate).

Wishing you a pain free evening!