Does going to the gym make tn worse? Is exercise helpfull? Thanks
For many people, low-impact non-cardiac exercise is indeed helpful with all types of neuropathic pain. By generating endorphins, exercise contributes to overall feelings of well being and reduces depression. The issue for face pain patients is to find a form of exercise that helps to maintain muscle tone and control weight, without driving the patient into high blood pressure states that can aggravate pain. Generally, walking and Tai Chi tend to meet those requirements.
I wish you wellness...
One other form of exercise, while I think of it: Yoga. Combined with meditation and mindfulness, the techniques of Yoga can be very liberating as well as good exercise.
Go in Peace and Power
Thanks red
Richard A. “Red” Lawhern said:
One other form of exercise, while I think of it: Yoga. Combined with meditation and mindfulness, the techniques of Yoga can be very liberating as well as good exercise.
Go in Peace and Power
I tried Zumba for the first time last week. I was very apprehensive as I was afraid it would trigger an attack. It was mostly dance orientated and I enjoyed it very much and left on such a high as an attack did not occur. As Red said it also left me with a sense of well being. (So annoyed I forgot to go this week!)
Dean, earlier in my condition, a few months ago, I did try sit ups and lifting hand weights at home. I found then that it caused back of head pain later in the day(i blamed it on this) I did not have a flare up of TN but it put me off trying sit ups again. Just read your comment for Red saying you felt worse later after trying the gym. So annoying when you enjoy it so much. I will try hand weights again one day but not yet (too scared)
I tried an elliptical last year when it was bad in my cheek, the throbbing there from the pulsating blood vessels on the nerves made a terrible pain. Also, sit-ups or any other type of exercise that will cause a pressure change in your cheeks can cause pain. I am using an exercycle now, am slowly and timidly trying other machines as it isn't in my cheek as bad now, it just always feels like a dull cold pain (like the ever present big binder clip).