Epstein Barr Virus & Tn

Has any one else had this before they got TN

Sally, I only recently became aware of and joined the group, mostly because my rheumatologist has called my head pain Atypical Facial Pain for decades now, which basically leads to nowhere. My new neurologist (a lesser intellect) is fine with my own rediagnosis as Type 2 TN. Neither AFP nor Type 1 TN describes my pain. I found your e-mail by searching for "virus" on this site. I ran the search because I am certain that a mono-like virus led to my 2TN (and the the fibromyalgia I also have.) Indeed, I was diagnosed as having "active Epstein-Barr" (my doctor said 75% of the people in NYC have it, but not in an active form). In any case, this virus has never left me. I am right now suffering from achy glands, weakness, and chills (sans fever) for the 5th day now. In the past, these bouts have lasted up to 2 weeks or more. They had unaccountably disappeared for an extended period, but would seem to be back. Hopefully, your time of suffering is done with. If so or if not, what more do you know about the connection between EB virus and TN? How did/do you cope with it?