Early pregnancy

I’m hoping for some advice or has anyone been through this?
I have just found out I’am pregnant…it’s very early …at the moment I take 400mg of Tegretol daily , I have just stopped taking the tramadol, I have my scan booked this Saturday, then meeting with neurologists on the 9th Feb, so … What do I do ???
This is my first pregnancy and I don’t want to jeprodise it , I I am only just coming to the end of a 6 day pain attack in which I haven’t even left the house … What do I do??

Make sure you're taking lots of folic acid. You'd probably want to be taking the 5mg prescription strength. Tegretol can cause birth defects by depleting folic acid, especially in early pregnancy.

Thank you I will call the doctors today, do you think they will still do the scan?

One long time resource might be worth consulting: Cindy Ezell was the patient representative at the US Trigeminal Neuralgia Association (I'm not certain if she's still active). She was a career nurse who faced similar circumstances to yours, and had a child while under medication. She is well studied on the issues you're facing. This is the contact page at the Association:


Please contact Cindy. She is a phenomenal resource. The people at the Facial Pain Assoc. are the absolute best. They are kind, compassionate and above all will give you excellent advice that is timely, informative and well documented! You may have to leave your name and number so Cindy can call you back. It may take a few days, but she will get back to you.