I am looking for a doctor near Houston, TX. Everyone on the Dr List above is a Neurosurgeon. I don't even care if they are a Neurologist. Just someone who has a clue. I am willing to travel. Help!
Hi I go to the Kelsey-Seybold clinic in Spring TX. My Docotor's name is Doctor Garcia, he is a neurologist and very good. He answers all your questions and isn't afraid to send you for a test. He's very nice. I've also been to a neurosurgeon in Houston at Baylor and his name is Doctor V. SOrry can't spell it, but everyone at the Baylor clinic knew who I was seeing by Doctor V. Good luck....bump if you need any other help
Hi sent you a friend request and if you write me I have a couple of names. Houston Man has a Dr. V here and he is good. Have full last name if you want. You would think in Houston, Texas this would be no problem! It is!!
I think his name is Vinsawonie, or something goofy like that. He was real nice and listened to everything i had to say. He really liked the fact that I was so well informed
Oh yeah, Its not Dr Garcia at Kelsey, its Dr Garza...Sorry my mind is goofy like that sometimes
Thanks for the feedback. I will check Dr. V out for sure!
Ashwin Viswanathan, M.D is Dr. V. Good luck!