Dr Brown in NY - Anyone?

Has anyone had any experience with procedures from Dr. Brown in NY?

If so, please elaborate on your experience, type of experience and the success rate!

Thank you in advance.

Dr. Brown did my MVD in January, and just last week implanted my PNS. I have bilateral ATN, and unfortunately, while it did work on the TN1 shocks, the MVD did not provide relief from the burning, boring pain I have. I have had this pain for about 10 years without any definitive diagnosis( the shocks didn’t start until Jan 2012 ), so although I was hopeful the MVD would work, I was not completely surprised that it didn’t. I have been extremely happy with Dr. Brown and his staff, and will be having MVD on my left side in October. He is very knowledgable on TN in all its forms, and seems to be on the forefront of treatment options. I travel from my home in Georgia to see him, and he is the only doctor I will see for this disorder.
Best of luck to you

I guess I should have told you a little bit more about the PNS! PNS is a peripheral nerve stimulator that is used for pain control. It is what Dr. B suggested we try as I was still having the burning, boring pain 7 months after MVD. I had a trial run with a temporary unit on August 16, and as it worked very well to control my pain, had the permanent implanted on the 21. It is a relatively minor, outpatient procedure, and I would highly recommend it to anyone who is considering it. Dr. brown is one of the few doctors who are using this device fo TN, and I am glad it was offered to me.