Does facial numbness last forever?

I had Cyberknife in December (2nd time). I have full facial & scalp numbness on the left side of my face. I fell worse than I did before. My pain has increased and now with added discomfort. The numbness is miserable. At times, any type of touch on my face it triggers me and I feel dozens of needles sticking into my face. It hurts to wash my hair, brush my teeth, etc. Does anyone know if this numbness is permanent??? Is there anything I can do?? Thank you for any responses!! I greatly appreciate it!!

Are you on any medications? If not, you may need to go back on them.

I have never stopped my medication even after 2 MVD’s and 2 Cyber Knife. My neuro said I would have to be pain free for 6 months before I can stop my meds. Of coarse, that has never happened.

Donna Cook Turnage said:

Are you on any medications? If not, you may need to go back on them.

Oh no! So sorry this has happened to you. Will the neuro increase you or put you on something else? Also, KC dancer KC swears by lidocaine patches and mouthwashes. She said that's what saved her before her surgery. Also, have you checked to see if you're a candidate for the MVD? Best of luck to you. (((((((((((((HUGS))))))))))))))