I have been perusing the site a bit, and saw mention by a couple of people that bending over causes TN pain. I was blown away that this happens to others. I thought that it was just me.
When I bend over at the waist, I get a sharp stab deep through my face/head that literally feels like a knife being plunged through my face. While my other TN is neuropathic in nature (you know, the constant type pain), this is the only time that it feels more like type 1 pain.
Does this happen to others, and if so, what is your experience? Please also share if you have any other unique triggers like that that cause pain.
My TN 1 is effected some times for bending over some times it is worse some times it makes it better also standing up and make it flare when I am really bad the movement of walking can set it off
Thanks for the info. Every little bit helps!
My TN 1 is effected some times for bending over some times it is worse some times it makes it better also standing up and make it flare when I am really bad the movement of walking can set it off
I am new here, bending is a trigger for me, especially when I am low on my pain relief and due for more, I pick something up off the floor and knife type pains hit. True also when straining (on loo, sorry too much information) or coughing, holding my breath under water in shower too long..I think it is pressure related?
I've been living with TN type 2 for nearly 8 years. Effective meds have kept me mostly "normal" . But triggers are unpredictable. One day something sends you reeling and the same movement at another time has no evil,dastardly effect. Sometimes I have to tip toe to lessen the vibration. Wearing my cool Vans causes trouble while the hiking boot absorbs the vibration. After waking up in the morning, I try to do slow open/close mouth stretches to gently let the nerve know that the sun has risen and it is time for the daily dance. good luck
I have also noticed that bending over or even just looking down (like to read something on the counter) triggers pain. I have also noticed recently that standing up does too. I can be sitting on the couch just fine and a few seconds after I stand, the pain will start. If I remember, I try standing up slowly. It might help... or maybe not. Anything is worth trying I guess! All the best to you!
I agree with "slow movement".. Slow movement helps in brushing teeth, Sometimes, when I feel the monster waking up I stop moving and begin tensing muscles and make slow facial contortions, I can put it back in the cage.
I have this experience, I get that stabbing feeling in the eye area. It's right above my eye socket, I can't move for a minute or so. I'm recently been diagnosed so I'm still working on other triggers, I know cool/cold breezes, certain light and high stress gives me the stabbing feeling.