Doctors Appoint

Well this morning I am going to my Dr.'s with a determined attitude. I am going to demand a stronger breakthrough med other than tylenol 3's. Im also going to discuss adding another antiseizure med although i doubt he'll do it after the reaction to tegretol. Maybe if he does he can lower the gabapentin, I can't function at all on 3600 mg. a day. Im going with printed articles on how to treat this condition. Im also going to tell him i want to try the Cymbalta. The Cipralex I'm on is useless although its good for gaining alot of weight. Wish me luck my friends...any suggestion before I go would be appreciated. Thank god I have my first neuro appointment on July 31. Thank you for reading...Lauren

When I first found out that my symptoms could be TN, I checked out the web page below, which has a description of most of the meds used for it. Check it out when you get a chance. Good luck.

Let us know what happened! We Have To Take Charge Here !!!!!

All the very best, please come back and tell us the outcome.

Hi Everyone. All in all it was a good appointent. He switched the way I take the gabapentin so it won't make be as dopey and dizzy. He's continuing the tylenol 3's til i go to the neuro on the 31. He also started me on a low dose of Cymbalta 30 mg. and hopefully this will kick in by the neuro appointment. I also found out today the neuro is a woman and she specializes in TN and that was from my dr. and the pharmacy, which is really good news for me. He also gave me a low dose of Ativan 0.5 to take as needed in case i start having anxiety attacks coming off the cipralex and adjusting to the Cymbalta. TN has given me GAD real bad. I was pleased with the appointment and go back to him on the 2oth just to follow up on the cymbalta. Thank you all who cared....Lauren


please read side effects for coming OFF cymbalta for later

Hurray!!! That's great!

Wait, how do you take gabapentin without being dopey & dizzy? I would love to know!!!!

Please update as you go on these new meds. Thanks!

Thank you Colleen. He told me to lower t he dose and instead of taking it 3 times a day take it 4. Today I will be trying it.

Ty Kc....I have read the side effects of coming off Cymbalta and if this works I'll just keep taking it. I came off Effexor and I don't think anything could be worse than that. Thanks for your help and encouragement my ladies and have a great day...pain free....Lauren :) OH and I also found out my neuro is a woman and she specializes in