Difficult members to deal with

I agree with the statements here about some members not picking themselves up by the boot straps and expecting others to rescue them. It's very needy and very annoying. It's these kind of members that put us at risk of Compassion Fatigue.

Regarding the Kathy (and many members like her), Ben and Scott's philosophy is that when a member is out of line, has been warned and is taking our time away from members who need and appreciate our help...give them the boot. Valid point.

(( bolding due to eye issues - I'm not virtually yelling at anyone ))

Y'all have seen my avatar: an excess of hair is not one of my life issues at this stage... {:-). Gloria beat me to the fine tooth comb on Kathy's post. She correctly pointed out that only two of the testimonials were pertinent, and it wasn't at all clear that a medical diagnosis had been made before claiming victory. I'm comfortable with being more directive or even "hard" toward someone who advocates for such resources.

Likewise, the "yes... BUT" game is not constructive behavior. Sometimes we have to reflect patients back to their doctors and let go of them. I personally try to do that without reading anybody the riot act publicly. But we each have a personal style, and there's no need to homogenize the Moderator group to any one set of rules beyond the ultimate one: "first do no harm".

Regards all,
