Differential diagnosis: trigeminal neuralgia, trigeminal neuropathy, and temporal mandibular disorders


Interesting article that shows that there are objective differences in the MRI images of classic TN, trigeminal neuropathy (sometimes called atypical TN, atypical facial pain, trigeminal neuropathic pain, etc) and painful temporomandibular disorders.

Hopefully something like this can become refined and used as a diagnostic tool. It's interesting that classic TN shows a marked difference from trigeminal neuropathy. This means that the two conditions should not be treated the same way, especially for surgical treatments. We all know that surgeries for classic TN often do not work or worsen the atypical cases.


Thanks, Toothache,

I will add this abstract to my growing file of research.

Hope you are doing well.


If you like reading scientific research, look into a subscription with a university library. I am able to access many journals and databases through my university (I am an alum). I’m doing OK, although I’ve come down with an annoying cold and the air con is still a trigger. Thanks for asking!

rissmal said:

Thanks, Toothache,

I will add this abstract to my growing file of research.

Hope you are doing well.
