
I had my first neuro appt today, and was formally diagnosed - not with TN, as I imagined it would be, but with Glossopharyngeal Neuralgia.

She prescribed me Tergratol and Baclofen for pain when I have a pain episode, which (knock on wood) I haven't had for a week and 2 days.

I've been getting accupuncture for the past 2 weeks, taking magnesium, b12, tumeric and homeopathic nerve medication.

I'm hoping that this will go away as quickly and randomly as it came on. I have no idea why this is happening to me! I'm only 36 years old, haven't had any trauma to my head/face (other than getting a filling done last July) and...am really freaking depressed about this!!!

The pain is in and around my ear, radiating down my neck a little bit (making it extremely hard to turn or move my head during a flare up). I had a major flare up yesterday and again today. Tried the meds the MD prescribed and they helped relieve the pain.

I also suffer from migraines, they also occur on the left back side of my head, the same side of my head where I'm having this GPN. Are they at all possibly related??

TN pain and migraine are often co-morbid. However, I would wonder, Achingear, from your description, whether any physician has discussed "SUNCT" headaches with you. Look up the term on the Net and then come back and tell me your impressions of the match in symptoms, if any.

Regards, Red

This does not match my symptoms. The only part that matches is that it's usually on one side of the head BUT it's all focused around the eye or temple, and mine pain is all ear and the area around.

With the pain focus you report, I would expect a lot of neurologists to consider geniculate neuralgia and glossopharyngeal neuralgia (same process, different nerves) as a diagnosis. And although I hate to rain on anybody's parade, it is also unusual for such symptoms to disperse spontaneously and stay away. Spontaneous remissions do happen and sometimes last months or even years. But the pain tends to come back when you aren't expecting it. I think you're going to need to find an effective medication management plan for this pain.

Regards, Red