I have a teeth clean on thurs,i had my check up last week,dentist said all was ok. Anyway do you dread your teeth hygiene clean,they havent been allowed to touch my teeth on lower right side,but i may ask the dentist to do that side first.She cleaned a tooth before and was very gentle,so ive asked for her.
Also i am on nortriptyline 75 mg,if i took 25 mg more would it make my teeth 'edginess' go. Am fed up with 'icy' on edge ,burny gums,mouth feeling unwell feeling ,will 25 extra mg's help. 9 more days to my 1st yr anniversary of this exciting disease. (feeling disgruntled about it).
I've always dreaded getting my teeth cleaned! Even before my mouth pain started..I now have a great hygenist who numbs my gums with a tiny needle..Doesnt hurt at all..I only have 11 real teeth left, all in front so the shot is given in the front gum.. She is very gentle. I dont feel a thing when she cleans my teeth..I take Amitriptyline (10 mg's) and it does help with my tooth pain but does nothing to make my mouth feel "normal"..You shoud call your doctor and ask what he suggests you take for dental appointmnents. I'm two and 3/4 years into my facial pain..:(
Definitely not looking forward to the dentist! I haven't gone since this all started a little over a year ago because of being in school with no dental insurance. I'll be graduating in two weeks and hopefully will have a job with benefits by March or so so back to the dentist it will be. I'll definitely be taking something extra and schedule it for a day where I can come home and sleep or something.
Don’t even mention the dentist!!!
I go and have my teeth cleaned and checked, BUT I don’t allow any work to be done, on the advice if my Neuro Surgeon I never have injections (after all having a tooth extracted started all this trouble)
So what I have now, I have to take care of, and look after, there’s not going to be any more filling/extractions/root canal done.
Hope your all going well?
hi stephanie. how comes you only have 11 teeth. was it a case of removing teeth to see if pain got better. I would be reluctant to have any injections now. If i ever needed an extraction i think i would go crazy..........My mouth is driving me bonkers to be honest. I just want it to feel normal.I am taking vit b complex, magnesium and calcium.Not been on it too long so am hoping maybe the b vits may help..........
stephanie said:
Hello Barbara,
I've always dreaded getting my teeth cleaned! Even before my mouth pain started..I now have a great hygenist who numbs my gums with a tiny needle..Doesnt hurt at all..I only have 11 real teeth left, all in front so the shot is given in the front gum.. She is very gentle. I dont feel a thing when she cleans my teeth..I take Amitriptyline (10 mg's) and it does help with my tooth pain but does nothing to make my mouth feel "normal"..You shoud call your doctor and ask what he suggests you take for dental appointmnents. I'm two and 3/4 years into my facial pain..:(
how does your mouth feel.I have numbness,burning,sometimes a sore throat,but mostly my teeth feel icy or on edge.I have a terrible habit now of 'sucking' my teeth and gums,but try to stop myself,havent managed it yet.I am sure if i stopped,it may feel normal.........
stephanie said:
Hello Barbara,
I've always dreaded getting my teeth cleaned! Even before my mouth pain started..I now have a great hygenist who numbs my gums with a tiny needle..Doesnt hurt at all..I only have 11 real teeth left, all in front so the shot is given in the front gum.. She is very gentle. I dont feel a thing when she cleans my teeth..I take Amitriptyline (10 mg's) and it does help with my tooth pain but does nothing to make my mouth feel "normal"..You shoud call your doctor and ask what he suggests you take for dental appointmnents. I'm two and 3/4 years into my facial pain..:(
My last flare was started after a teeth cleaning last yr. I have since had MVD and am pain free But I had my first cleaning since last week and I was so so nervous and anxious that it would trigger pain again. So far everything is fine. From not Being able to have good dental care during my last flare- which lasted 4 months- and also avoiding the dentist the last yr I now have 2 cavities I have to have filled over the next two weeks. And my anxiety is through the roof!
Hi Anne, I would check with your Neurosurgeon before you have any injections, mine said to leave it, and not to have an injection just in case, good luck, glad your doing so well, Anne
Hello Barbara,
No I didn’t extract teeth to get pain relief. It started with a wisdom tooth extraction…This caused my face pain. then several infected root canals, cracked teeth from grinding,3 more wisdom teeth, silver fillings gone bad and decayed to the nerve all led to extractions (instead of root canals…) That leaves 11 teeth…I wear upper/lower partials…With the last extraction the only pain I had was my left side of my face stung really bad but only lasted about three days…My gums feel like they are stretched and tight, or they throb. My canine tooth always feels like its swollen and bigger than the rest of my teeth,It drives me crazy…Sometimes it feels “sharp”…Its hard to describe…It can feel very sore somedays and the next day it is fine.I too get a sore throat once in awhile. I have ear pain too…(inside hurts like an ear infection but I had it checked and its fine) The whole left side of my mouth feels different from the right side…So I know how you feel when you say you just want to feel normal.!!!.I take magnesium, vitamin D, Vitamin B complex…I read that collidal silver may help.??
omg. sounds bloody awful.I have magnesium spray,vit B too,but havent taken them today as i think its giving me terrible burning stomach and heartburn.I have acid reflux so some things may make it worse,and we all know acid damages teeth. I also take magnesium tabs. I had my clean today,took a codeine and anti inflammatory after,and took extra nortriptyline 'just in case'.
stephanie said:
Hello Barbara, No I didn't extract teeth to get pain relief. It started with a wisdom tooth extraction..This caused my face pain. then several infected root canals, cracked teeth from grinding,3 more wisdom teeth, silver fillings gone bad and decayed to the nerve all led to extractions (instead of root canals..) That leaves 11 teeth..I wear upper/lower partials...With the last extraction the only pain I had was my left side of my face stung really bad but only lasted about three days..My gums feel like they are stretched and tight, or they throb. My canine tooth always feels like its swollen and bigger than the rest of my teeth,,It drives me crazy..Sometimes it feels "sharp"..Its hard to describe..It can feel very sore somedays and the next day it is fine.I too get a sore throat once in awhile. I have ear pain too..(inside hurts like an ear infection but I had it checked and its fine) The whole left side of my mouth feels different from the right side..So I know how you feel when you say you just want to feel normal.!!!.I take magnesium, vitamin D, Vitamin B complex..I read that collidal silver may help.?? .
How did they diagnose TMJ?..I think I may have trouble with my jaw joints too since when I chew they "click"...If they did tell you that you had TMJ what did they suggest you do for it? ..
hi steph. My dentist first suspected it.After going back several times,he said when you go back to hospital mention it,so then you dont pay £200 for a mouth guard.I didnt mention it when i went,the proffessor done a check up on my mouth/jaw and my pain.This is when she said you have a jaw disorder that may be driving the other pain.She done a mould,within 2 days i had a mouth guard and use it at night for 'teeth grinding' as there was evidence of that. Apparently nortriptyline can start things off (cant remember how she worded it) but i had never grinded before all this.The pain is 'slightly' better but do still have awaful days.Then i was asked to keep a pain diary. Alot of people do get told they have tmj / tmd ,only to find later its ATN or TN.I do have clear evidence in my 2 front teeth that grinding had gone on,i had kind of flatened the tops of my 2 bottom teeth. I also think when you lose a tooth as i lost a back molar,you lose balance in your mouth,so it felt odd to me,so much so that all my bite felt wrong,still does,and you kind of bite down,and here the issues start..
Hello Barbara, I have a feeling that a little of my pain is caused by my "bite" I havent had back teeth for awhile so my jaw is probably out of line. Hopefully when I get my "new teeth" the dentist can realign my jaw and my bite and see if that helps a little. I may even have TMJ...Thank you for replying to me...
barbara said:
hi steph. My dentist first suspected it.After going back several times,he said when you go back to hospital mention it,so then you dont pay £200 for a mouth guard.I didnt mention it when i went,the proffessor done a check up on my mouth/jaw and my pain.This is when she said you have a jaw disorder that may be driving the other pain.She done a mould,within 2 days i had a mouth guard and use it at night for 'teeth grinding' as there was evidence of that. Apparently nortriptyline can start things off (cant remember how she worded it) but i had never grinded before all this.The pain is 'slightly' better but do still have awaful days.Then i was asked to keep a pain diary. Alot of people do get told they have tmj / tmd ,only to find later its ATN or TN.I do have clear evidence in my 2 front teeth that grinding had gone on,i had kind of flatened the tops of my 2 bottom teeth. I also think when you lose a tooth as i lost a back molar,you lose balance in your mouth,so it felt odd to me,so much so that all my bite felt wrong,still does,and you kind of bite down,and here the issues start..
I am scared to even floss my teeth. Before I knew what this was I would have the jabs of tooth pain from dental work or just jarring my teeth by getting food stuck in them. The only good thing that came out of my recent bout ending with 3 extractions was that I ended up in emergency and the Dr recognized that it was TN. This all started because I had a filling done that started the shocks which I figured was root pain. Had a failed canal then just started pulling as I would do anything to get rid of the pain. Unfortunately this opened pandoras box. In the future I will try to do as little as possible as most days I can barely brush them.