Damaged tooth or not?

I have had several unnecessary tooth extractions over the past 10 years due to bilateral TN / ATN pain. This has left me so paranoid about loosing anymore teeth unnecessarily.

14 days ago I bit down on something hard while eating soft vegetable soup of all things, can you imagine 'Soup' I still dont know what it was, maybe a hard bean of something.

Within 10 minutes I felt intense pain that was located all around the tooth area up in the gum/bone. The tooth was not broken, I could not see any visible cracks/chips. I could still put pressure on the tooth, I could still eat on that side, the tooth was not sensitive, not even to hot or cold.

I have visited the dentist, had an X-ray taken. They cant see any fracture on the tooth, all looks well. They have said it can go one of two ways, pain gets worst, or pain gets better, only time will tell, sometimes fractures do not show up on X-rays, these are called micro cracks.

It has now been 14 days since the soup moment, the pain has got slightly better, not so much of the 24/7 constant ache. The pain does not wake me up at night like it did the first 5 days, I wake up in the mornings with no pain, but the pain and ache soon starts after 15 minutes or so.

The tooth is now sensitive to hot and cold, more so hot. I can drink cold water or milk and this makes the tooth feel uncomfortable, but the pain soon passes. But! when I eat or drink something warm, this then sets of the long contact ache/pain for hours and hours, I dont get the short sharp pain, just the constant ache.

I dont think this is TN pain, it all started since biting down on something hard, which has either aggravated, sprained or has fractured the tooth.

Has anyone ever done this before, how long does a tooth take to heal, or is the tooth permanently damaged?

I'm on day 19,

I'm at a lost, the pain is still coming and going all through the day, sometimes very severe which terrifies me.

The tooth isn't as much sensitive to hot and cold anymore, the pain is very erratic, constant 24/7 ache which increases all on its own.

I can sleep at night, when I wake up there is no pain, but after being up and about for 20 minutes the pain/ache sets in.

To be honest, day 19 seems a little better, at the moment I have a tight dull ache which is throbbing slightly.

I really dont know what to do, it feels like the tooth is not going to get any better, it just feels like there is something wrong, as in fractured (micro crack). But! I cant help wondering is the tooth still healing, will it be 100% in a few more days?

I'm leaning towards the idea that the tooth is fractured, and that I may as well go get it exacted. I seem to be going around and around in circles, even the dentists cannot be sure, which I think is ridiculous... what is wrong with medical science?