
How many here are in college? How does everyone cope with the stresses of that and having TN?

- I am currently a medical physics undergrad and involved in nanomedicine research. Have had TN since October, 2013. Currently scheduled for MVD on 12/17. Need to get some relief (100% nor required or expected, as I have type 1 and type 2 pain) to better focus on my studies and research.

Hi, I’m actually still doing my a levels and have a keen interest in doing medicine or chemistry at university but feel that my TN is going to inhibit me in doing so as it already impacts my grades at school. I was an A* student before TN but now at a C level. How do you cope in university with your TN in university? I tend to cope in school by taking time out of class when I feel an attack coming and working with the staff to make sure I get the work e.g extra classes. How did your MVD go?