Just curious, is anybody else in school? Part time or full time; college or high school, grammar school? Anybody thinking about going back to school? If there is even good handful of us going to school or thinking about, I’ll start a group for us so we can encourage and help each other out. Anybody intersted?
I enrolled for a BA program at a university when I was 27. I'm 33 now and ...still a student. I submitted my BA thesis to my supervisor 1.5 years ago, that was when I was due to take the final exams. It was also when I started to experience my ATN symptoms. I hope to take the exams this year in June if I feel good enough and have energy to study on weekends (like many on here I work full-time).
I am 23 years old and going to college full time I will graduate this semester with my bachelors. Going to college and being on 5 medications is really hard due to the sediation and cognitive impariment it causes. I have been luckly because I receive services through disability which gives me extra time on test.
I just want to say I admire and respect all of you for all your hard work and effort. I know this cannot be easy for any of you.
Best wishes for success. Min
I was taking classes but after totally blowing a semester, my dr. told me that I truly needed a break and take care of me. So I haven't been back in a year. Missing it a ton. Looking at online classes to finish up my BA. They seem to be the most doable with meds etc. I'd be interested in knowing who if anyone has used with schools. Some I have looked at there is no way they will be compatible with this meds life >:( keep going, you will not regret it!! blessings~~
I am a full time graduate student so I have a lot of independent study time. Just a couple of hours of class a day, 5 hours on wednesdays and Fridays off. I live walking distance which really helps. Sometimes long complicated reading assignments can be tough so I tackle those on good days. If all goes well, i will graduate after this semester.
I was doing my masters but dropped out earlier this year through UnSW via remote online units. My TN kicked in again and I evolved into the walking brain dead as soon as I took the meds. I found it really frustrating when the uni on being provided with all the medical documentation wouldn’t accept it as valid. I then got referred to their intranet site to complete more paper work all of which was beYond me at the time. I m missing the study, but the lack of help at the time from the uni really put me off. I ended up feeling very disempowered and it just added additional stress at the time. When I go back ill hook up with a uni counsellor upfront so if the TN kicks in, they’re lined up to help proactively, instead of trying to work through issues with impaired functionality.
My dr signed a form for me to be considered a disabled student. Made a total difference in schooling as it allowed me to take tests around my meds. Most of the time this was good. It also gave me a bit longer to take the tests since the meds sometimes have a residual effect. Teachers were great about it too!! One dr. tried to discourage me from this "label" as he said forever it would be a label that would follow me. I had one teacher do the same, which is totally against the dds laws. Because I don't "look" disabled he said I didn't need the help. Maybe Red should have that question in the survey ;-) hth blessings~~
I’ve been thinking of signing up for the disabled student help, and get the liaison advocate the school has for disabled students.
Really I don’t want to do, I want to be normal at lest one thing. But everything is really starting to kick my butt and hinder some of my school work.
Was this an easy process to do sheperedgirl?
I also have three class I have to do the whole asking to not be billed for as I had to drop out for these because of medical reasons. Has anyone done that before. I’m sorry I can remember the technical name for this.