Clinical Trials for TN

I was hunting through Google and came upon the Clinical trials page that lists all going on and have found a few for people to look into if they're interested:

Chicago area A Nasal Applicator for the Treatment of Trigeminal Neuralgia

California (Stanford) A Study of Amifostine for Prevention of Facial Numbness in Radiosurgery Treatment of Trigeminal Neuralgia

Chicago area Ultrasound Guided Trigeminal Nerve Block for Typical or Atypical Facial Pain

Santa Monica California area (This one is specific and has a number of qualifications and exclusions and is not open to recruitment yet)

Civamide Nasal Solution for Postherpetic Neuralgia of the Trigeminal Nerve

Clinical trials home page Clinical Trials Home

THANKS for sharing

Thanks for the info Cathy

The nasal solution trial really sounds interesting to me. It seems like my TN originates in my left nostril. When I was flying as an airline pilot most of my flying was to Asia. Often I would have sinus infections. I have no idea if there is any connection.

What is also interesting is that I have gone into remission for the third time in two years. I have been on Neurontin but now have cut back to one 300 mg pill per day. I am afraid to stop completely for fear it will come back.

Very interesting but if you live in Oklahoma there is not a lot of help. I did have the cyber knife surgery in 2013. No pain since November but I am afraid it is coming back. ???

I chatted with the gal on Facebook just the other day that was actually in the Chicago clinical trial for the nasal applicator. I asked her the name of the drugs they were using. “Ropivacaine and Dexemethasone” administered through an application device like a syringe with the tube on the end of it. She says it’s working.

thanks Cherri, very interesting stuff.... Elvera

Thanks for this so much! That nerve block says it is for atypical facial pain and that is me. We have a hard time finding treatment. I have been looking into this and possibly PNS which is being done, that is peripheral nerve stimulation. These treatments do not damage the nerve although I am sure there is a pink paper to sign for risk. Sharon

Wow! Thank you for posting all of these treatments. I have been very interested in finding a pain doc that does the nerve block for TN. What is very exciting for me is I am ATN and it is being done for sufferers that do not have typical TN. We are sometimes very ignored. Sharon

The treatment I had was a form of radiation

Gaylon Poe Wade said:

Very interesting but if you live in Oklahoma there is not a lot of help. I did have the cyber knife surgery in 2013. No pain since November but I am afraid it is coming back. ???

does the nerve block really work? I don't know much about it?