Caused a nearly uncontrollable days-long TN attack

Yah I never take over the prescribed amount as anything more makes me dizzy. That’s where I’m looking to see if anything else would help… except for those times I am very thankful that the medicine has kept it at bay for years.

It’s been OK for me luckily.

Gabapentin was one of the numerous meds they trialled me on too and for me, it was nasty. I spoke to the dr’s about this and I quote “…for some people it’s a wonder drug, but then for others, hmmm, not so much…”. Seems I’m in the ‘not so much’ camp. A good friend swears by the stuff, but it sent me DOWN some awful, dark holes. The dr who prescribed it had me ween off of it slowly as sudden cessation can make the side effects worse seemingly.

I too have found medical cannabis beneficial. Not so much as a painkiller, but it allows me to concentrate on something other than pain. For me it’s like the pain is front and centre, just to be able to divert the mind from that focus has huge benefits. I’ve found the oil took time to be processed via the liver when taken orally, so the flower is my ‘Go To’ because it works NOW. I’ve also found that a THC/CBD combination works better for my needs. Please, don’t get me wrong here, I still find I need an opiate to knock it, but at way less dosages.

Merl from the Modsupport Team

Oh, how I understand. When I first got TN, I had three months of non-stop pain and then it vanished. I forgot about it. It wasn’t until almost four YEARS later that it returned, and wow…it returned, full force. The day I had a surgical assessment scheduled it went to the other side. I was no longer a candidate. No meds worked. None. My neurologist was a dx one and mine is from MS, I know a lot of terms have changed over the years, but I have Bilateral Types 1 & 2. Stress is my major boogie man. Well, lots of things are, but stress is at the top. I have been a chronic pain patient since 2012 (maybe 2013?) and with the right meds it takes just the edge away enough that I am able to do basic care of myself and have some functionality. It has gotten progressively worse through the years. I am in the midst of a divorce after 30 years…one I didn’t want or even see coming. Stress? I am stress. Stress is me. I have had to rely on friends to help with everything…and I haven’t upped my meds, bc I know it is stress and I can’t risk being cut off from the one thing that gives me a modicum of relief, when the days are semi-normal. I am so sorry you are going through and went through this…I really hate it when someone tries to minimize the absolute horror that is TN. I bought the super soft (like, ridiculously soft) snood from BleuSalt that I wear almost all the time…it covers my neck, scalp, cheeks and forehead…I’d be lost without it. I highly recommend anyone sensitive to air to buy one…bonus, unlike a scarf it doesn’t require adjustments and you can pull it over your lips. I wish everyone a day with lesser pain. Another thing that works for me are naps, I call it “resetting my pain tolerance”…I take three a day and they help. Gentle hugs. I have avoided this site for many, many years…why? When I first joined there were 22 or so of us, and of those only three remained…the rest, well, they didn’t make it. Lots of heart attacks and suicides. It was too depressing to log on, frankly. I am glad to see the community has come back…and the site has grown. I am saddened to see so many with this horrific disease.

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Wishing you a speedy recovery and best of luck and warm wishes!! :slightly_smiling_face:

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