Can't talk, eat, or drink - 3rd day

I would like to ask if you have taken the name brand or the generic for either of the seizure meds? For some, like myself, the generic brands do not work & I must have my doctors request the name brands for insurance purposes.

So far, I’ve only taken generics, but the Lyrica of course, is name brand.

Also, I can talk and eat today!!! It’s been an exciting day. I’m still a ways from pain free, but I will. It complain after what I’ve been through the last 8 days! Thank you all for your support through this!

Sandra S Jones said:

I would like to ask if you have taken the name brand or the generic for either of the seizure meds? For some, like myself, the generic brands do not work & I must have my doctors request the name brands for insurance purposes.


It is a great relief that now you can talk and eat. Take care.

Best regards and blessings.