Can TN cause nose, sinus, and ear burning?

Hi everyone. I usually have pain in my top gums (burning and sharp stabbing). Right now I have severe burning in my nose, an odd sensation in my sinus, and my ear is bothering me, but like the outside of my ear, not the inside. Could this be connected to TN, or should I got to my GP? I'm getting married on Sunday, so I would like to figure out what type of pain this is, so I can treat it accordingly!

Thanks in advance for your advice!!

-LGHiker, soon to be LBHiker

I have recently been getting the nose/sinus pains/burning/throbbing too. Normally my pain has been lower branch of TN. I have put it down to TN always changing site!!

I hope you are feeling better by Sunday. Congratulations.


Hey Hiker--

Have a wonderful wedding day !! My guess is yes-- it is all TN. I have had crazy twinges all over the place lately-- not pain exactly just odd. I, too have had ear (inside) pain and weird pain/burn behind my left nostril... can you try upping your meds a bit to make sure it is calmed down for Sunday?? My guess is too that the stress of a wedding could be stirring the pot a bit! Blessings to you and hubby-to-be!!!

I get the awful burning nose pain! It can especially be triggered by me yawning. If it's really bad I've used lignocaine gel up my nostril (which is good because all those mucous membranes up your nose are really good at uptaking medication). You can also use lignocaine (lidocaine if you are in the US) gel topically on gums.

Thank you for the advice, I appreciate it all! My doctors actually think I have a sinus infection in addition to my TN pain. They think this because I have a sore/hurting spot on top/back of my head, which can happen when the sphenoid sinus is infected. I wonder if this infection could be aggravating my TN pain?

I actually tried some lidocaine up the nose and it didn't help, because the burning is higher up in the beginning of the sinus cavity I guess.

I have pain in the right side of my nose and when worse it goes up to my right eye. It’s all related. My right ear hurts and feels plugged up 24/7.

Ugh, you were all right. I even wasted my time at an ENT. I was so convinced it wasn't my TN because it wasn't in my "normal" spot. It was like the dentist all over again "Everything looks healthy and normal. It sounds like nerve pain." Yup. Good ol' trigeminal neuralgia.

I don't have much to add but I would get a burning pain in my nose that would be worse in cold air.