Break through pain but on the right side

Hi to you all, I was just hoping for a bit of advice my problem with TN started on the left side a few months back, I didnt realise at first but eventually got a diagnosis and started on Tegretol. It has proved very effective, eventually I managed to get some relief during the day by taking a dose in the morning. I realise I an still only on a low dose but am super sensitive to any form of medication. I have now started to get breakthrough pain but its on the right affecting my eye cheekbone and an almost constant this normal for it to switch sides? My meds go up to again today morning dose so I hope this will help. Any advice would be great thanks Karen x

Hi Valley Girl,
When I was first diagnosed in 2002 my TN started on the right side. A few months later it started on the left. The pain never occurred at the same time.
Literature tells us it’s rare to have bilateral TN, and in my experience, most doctors don’t believe you have it because its “rare”. But it really isn’t that rare. We have some stats here on the site that prove that.
I would let your doctor know at your next appointment and the increase in Tegretol should help to ease the pain, give it time though. Tegretol takes time to absorb into our system and build to the best dose to give us relief.
(( hugs )) Mimi

You may have gone bi-lateral. :-( Praying for you to not have too many side effects. I am up to 1200mg a day of Tegretol. But I still manage to work full-time and take care of my grandson a lot.

Thank you Mimi, I know what your saying is right, this pain is quite type specific it isnt like my Rhumatoid pain etc. I will tell GP when I see him, it does seem to have switched but then pops up back on the original side. I am so grateful to the forum I dont comment much because I dont have much to add to the discussions, but learn a great deal from them. Thank you again Mimi love Karen x

Thanks Donna
Not quite sure what it means but will look it up, gosh I seem like a real beginner 400 mg seems just a drop in the ocean. I havent been able to work for quite some time now due to other health problems, this is just another to add to the list lol. Arnt grand children just the most wonderful little things in the world I have three girls and a little grandson. They can make you forget most things Karen xx

Donna Cook Turnage said:

You may have gone bi-lateral. :-( Praying for you to not have too many side effects. I am up to 1200mg a day of Tegretol. But I still manage to work full-time and take care of my grandson a lot.

Yes, he is my world and they live with me, so it's wonderful!

valley girl said:

Thanks Donna
Not quite sure what it means but will look it up, gosh I seem like a real beginner 400 mg seems just a drop in the ocean. I havent been able to work for quite some time now due to other health problems, this is just another to add to the list lol. Arnt grand children just the most wonderful little things in the world I have three girls and a little grandson. They can make you forget most things Karen xx

Donna Cook Turnage said:

You may have gone bi-lateral. :-( Praying for you to not have too many side effects. I am up to 1200mg a day of Tegretol. But I still manage to work full-time and take care of my grandson a lot.