Best Doctor

Anyone in th e DC Metro Area, John Hopkins has a TN Clinic. The doctors range in specialty ares. I have a atypical case and Inam scheduled for surgery. After 8 years I finally will be over the pain. GOD IS SOOO GOOD!!!

I'm so happy for you! My MVD gave me back my life! 8 years is a lonnnnggggg time to put up with TN !!

Keep us updated!

I live in the DMV area. I HIGHLY recommend Dr. Lim at the TN Clinic. He is Uh-Mazing!!!

My doc wants me to go to him, I am six hours away, but my brother lives very close to Johns Hopkins.

Go!!! I had my surgery Glycerin Rhizotomy. Same day procedure and I stayed home for about 4 days. I have some swelling, numbness and dry eye. But so far so good!

I had the world renown Dr. Ben Carson,

KWMechelle said:

I live in the DMV area. I HIGHLY recommend Dr. Lim at the TN Clinic. He is Uh-Mazing!!!

I just faxed in my request for an appointment. I live in the area and suddenly my pain is getting so bad I can hardly stand it. I am quietly moaning and crying in my cube. I am upping my own meds and taking Tylenol and Ibu every 3 hours (trading off) to supplement. I am still in pain almost all the time. I just can't do this!! I have an appointment tomorrow with my Neurologist, but don't know what else she can do. More drugs I guess. The more I read, the more I want the MVD.

Please don’t hesitate to have an MVD, I would recommend it to anyone… I had mine done 2 years ago, unfortunately for me it didn’t work, but I am pain free for longer periods instead of 24/7.
Please re-think upping your meds without a doctors input, I’ve done it myself thinking it would work, but it didn’t, and you can cause damage to your liver and/or other internal organs…
I see you saw your neurologist earlier in the month, how did it go, did you get any helpful info?
Thinking of you, hugs Anne