Bad episode

Every episode that i keep getting keeps making getting me more scared. They seem to happen every other month now and the meds keep going higher and higher. What happens when I reach the maximum? Thats all i keep thinking about =[. I hate living with this fear at 28 years old but still trying to stay positive. I was at the ER yesterday and like always they just want to give me pain medication but I need more. I will finally see a neurologist next week and i hope I get better news =]

I can relate:( I hope your neurologist will be able to give you the answers you need. I am newly diagnosed and am having a hard time adjusting to this apparent " new life" I now must live. As soon as I think the dose may be right the pain returns . How much is to much? When do I say this craps not working and try a new med. I hope you have a better day tomorrow:) until then know your not alone.
((( hugs)))

Hi Veronica,

Im sorry your pain was so bad you had to go to the ER. It really sucks to have this at such a young age, mine started at 26. But don't think too far ahead because that can get so overwhelming. Take it day by day and keep us updated on your appointment. There are so many other medications you can try that may be even more effective so seeing a good neurologist can make all the difference. I see you are in southern California. I used to live there, have you had any luck with ucla or kaiser? Any time you need to have a chat or vent feel free to msg me. Hang in there! xx

What has helped me dealing with fear and anxiety is as simple as therapy. There were so many other things that were causing it, and when I came out of therapy after one year with a psychologist, I felt reborn. That has reflected in how I approach my pain. I cannot recommend talking therapy enough. No one has to know.

I am on max dosage Tegretol right now, before I reach toxic levels. Neurontin was the worst side effects ever, and Lyrica was not enjoyable. I cannot have MVD, my TN is caused by the herpes simplex virus grinding the nerves. But I don’t worry anymore! A couple of years back, I would have, but years of being untreated also made me realise that stress is a truly relentless trigger, and worry makes it worse. When I feel stressed and negative and in pain, I do nice things like take a bath, watch a movie, and see friends. Treat yourself, and here’s to therapy!
I hope you get the monthly episodes under control and that the neuro gives you wonderful news so that you are relieved of both fear and pain.