Hello WM Phillips,
I can't speak to how many other members here may have AO, and by my reading just today AO is typically described as continuous neuropathic pain in a focused area around a tooth. So they seem to be one and the same, but AO being a more accurate description from my understanding. You are in the right place so long as you are comfortable being here with us - as regardless of what they are calling your pain, you still have neuropathic pain in the face and jaw, and when it boils right down to it - so do all of us here. So you are more than welcome to share your thoughts and anything else with us - and we may find others here that previously were unaware of what their pain really was - find out that they share this particular variation with you. Face pain in my book is.. Face pain! It all hurts and we all must live with it, so YES you're in the right place!
You may well have read how many that have been diagnosed with classic TN as well as myself, first imagined a dental cause of our pain as most commonly for TN that is the first location to cause us pain. Personally, I ended up having four of my teeth pulled with the pain only to continue with a tooth that was no longer there. It took me 12 years to get diagnosed with TN. I agree with you at this stage I would avoid getting an extraction, it's my personal belief that unfortunately it would not help.
Neuropathy can be caused in the mouth or jaw, potentially by dental work in some people but in many cases the neuropathy pain starts without dental work also.
I agree that the use of Lyrica will likely be helping as it's main purpose in reality is to help combat the more constant neuropathic pains - but whereas tegretol is more designed to control the sharp, shooting, electrical type pain a neuropathy can bring. I myself have been diagnosed with TN1 and suspected Occipital neuralgia - though still waiting on an official diagnosis for that one. Mind you it feels like I have ON right now as I'm writing as I have had for the past 24 hours. I will need a nerve block myself to dx and treat that. But I am very glad that these meds ARE helping you!
I live in Australia and I'm sorry but what is a digital cone scan, I've not heard of that test till I read your blog post here.
Most neuropathic pain is classed as having no explanation - or in medical terms they call it idiopathic - because they do not know what is causing the pain. Whether that comes down to compression or a secondary cause, some of us will never know this. Others found that different surgery types do help, some for decades, others for only months.
When I was given a nerve block to test their theory, the block was injected into the trigeminal ganglion, while I was under sedation and they used lidocaine with a cortisone combo injection and it worked there. Your pain is originating from a very specific branch of the trigeminal nerve and maybe if they tried a nerve block at the source of that nerve instead of the nerve itself, it may get a different reaction... Something to think about.
I got to go, huge pain attack incoming, but hope to talk more with you soon!
Best wishes for a pain free day!