Article on my home page

i was surprised to log onto my computer and find this article on my home page ... now, i know that we all know about this but i just wanted to share with everyone here that our condition is being talked about


I thought you'd like this:

Unbearable Face Pain, Gone in 10 Minutes - Pain Management
Center - Everyday Health

I like that they are talking about it. I just wished they didn't make it sound like such a simple fix without some of the complications that many here have experienced and that this is not a fix for the other types of TN. All of their descriptions are strictly blood vessel related. :-(

i noticed that ... later in the day my aunt called me and asked me if i saw the article and i told her yes, then i explained to her the shortcomings of this article

I also posted that, see my discussion on AOL, i thought it sucked that they made it seem like a quick cure.


OOPS, i was not aware it was already posted ... i dont know how to navigate this site ... as i have stated earlier, when it comes to computers, i know just enough to be dangerous ... and YES, it does suck that they make it seem like a quick cure ... i try to tell people that it isnt but, wadda u gonna do ???

Well I’m glad for the exposure part. Yet, it’s maddening of the suggestion of just getting surgery and boom your cured. There is enough of us who a. had surgery and did not worked or worked but not long enough or b can not have surgery for one reason or another my self included. This article is too one sided.

no worries, I am still getting used to this site as well


Rebecca said:

OOPS, i was not aware it was already posted ... i dont know how to navigate this site ... as i have stated earlier, when it comes to computers, i know just enough to be dangerous ... and YES, it does suck that they make it seem like a quick cure ... i try to tell people that it isnt but, wadda u gonna do ???

i noticed that a lovely person on this site sent me a gift ... i have no idea what that means !! ... but, thank you lovely person ( you know who you are) ... LOL

I agree, its maddening, if it were so easy then this website would not need to exist!!


Kari said:

Well I'm glad for the exposure part. Yet, it's maddening of the suggestion of just getting surgery and boom your cured. There is enough of us who a. had surgery and did not worked or worked but not long enough or b can not have surgery for one reason or another my self included. This article is too one sided.