AOL headline story

here is the link to a story that was on AOL today as one of thier features, at least there is some publicity on TN. I do think they downplayed the treatment on it and made it sound like a cure has already been found/


Sounds as simple as a tooth extraction, if only!

yeah, i thought it sucked to be honest...god forbid the naysayers see it! The media is so screwed up! Maybe we can Red on a bandwagon to have them add a disclaimer "every person is different and some may not experience relief from this disorder"


They make it sound so easy! Just cut, snip, inject, etc. Nothing new in this report and misleading to general public. Anyone know anything about Dr. Ben _ (blanking on last name) at Johns Hopkins? His video at their site on TGN is another that makes it sound like he will work a miracle- every time. I'd like to know his actual track record regarding that claim!

Ben Carson, wrote the book, Gifted Hands which I have read. He reviewed my MRI a few months ago because everyone said in my area I had MS and I do not. Both him and my neurosurgeon (hopkins sent me to Dr. Brown since I had ATN) concurred that my local doctors were wrong. I have an underlying autoimmune disorder which brought me back to Hopkins and they are working on now.

Ben Carson is officially retired, you can catch him on fox new now and again, he seems to be attempting a political career now, but Dr. Michael Lim is still there and he did a glycerine rhizotomy for me and then sent me to Dr. Brown, he was excellent.

There is a link on the Tn site at Hopkins where Dr. Lim talks about all the statistics for the proceedures that he requires you to watch before your consult, I highly recommend it even if you are not going to Hopkins, its very informative.

I am sending a friend request to you in case you have any other questions

Wendy "crashgirl"

Oh I wonder if it is true that bad press is better than no press…only if you’re a politician or movie star. Just wait until your neighbour says, “TN? You can get that fixed in ten minutes”. Aren’t we all looking forward to that conversation…

With the way they presented this, its almost like...hey get your hair and nails done and an MVD all one stop shopping, lol!!