Do you find it helpful?
I did a demographics survey on chronic pain patients referred for psychiatric evaluation. Of 186 people who responded to the survey, about 60 indicated that they had sought out a therapist or counselor for issues other than chronic pain. About half indicated that they had been helped in some degree.
When referred "involuntarily" by a medical doctor, their results were not as positive. A majority reported receiving more than one psychiatric diagnosis (most often both depression and anxiety, sometimes as many as three diagnoses). Of those prescribed medicine, nearly all reported no change in their pain or emotional state. Only about 20 or so reported that they were advised by a psychiatrist that there was nothing psychological wrong with them.
These are not "scientific" findings, and we cannot generalize unfairly from them. There are all manner of biases in this patient group, the biggest one being that people who come to chronic pain sites tend to be among those who aren't doing well with their treatment.
I think the most fair characterization is that if you go voluntarily to a counseling professional and find one who has experience with chronic pain patients, you're likely to do better than if you are sent by your doctor because he doesn't believe your pain is medical in origin, or doesn't know what's going on with you. Without adding medications to those you must take for pain, therapy can be useful for getting a sense of perspective or learning to communicate the nature of your pain experience to significant others.
Regards and best,
I have just finished seeing a pain phycologist, only had 3 sessions. I have found it useful, was mainly for relaxation and trying to avoid what he said was hyper vigilance and catastrophic thoughts. He explained how our emotional state can effect how we feel and perceive pain. It was very interesting and was of some use. I have waited about 12 months for these sessions on the nhs in the UK, during that time I managed to get mvd done privately 5th October I think it was . Had my assessment with him at beginning of January when I had very little pain, over last 4 weeks pain has been increasing, yesterday wasy worse day and it all went out the window. Was no use to me at all yesterday, I just couldn’t focus and relax, pretty hard to when it feels like you are being repeatedly stabbed in the cheek, not a soothing relaxing sensation. It does not help with the actual pain it is more for your general well being, which is all good on good days but like yesterday for me no use at all. I’m having a better morning so far so am trying to use them a bit today. I’m sure with more practice I would be able to put the techniques to use during a bad spell like yesterday but I’m still a novice, it’s hard to avoid catastrophic thoughts when you know how bad the pain can get and you can feel it all just spiralling out of control. I hope you are also having a better day, you have had it very tough lately. I pray that there is some respite for you.
Over the last 16 years, yes, I have seen a therapist for a variety of issues -- Started with post-partum depression and subsequent marital issues. A therapist may offer you solutions to cope that you, your friends, and your family never thought of before. Don't discount it. Normally, I don't advocate behavioral therapists because I think people should first turn to family friends, and pastors for guidance. But when you've tried all these avenues, maybe a therapist is the way to go.
Jennifer I think seeing a therapist would benefit you no end…you seem to me to be struggling and quite in despair which is very understandable indeed.Just talking over all the frustrations,venting your anger etc can only help your well being even if it doesn’t help your pain.In turn you will be in a better place to deal with this pain and have a clearer idea as to where to turn.I only wish I had the money to do this on say a twice weekly basis.We are using all our physical resources which in turn affects our emotional resources…go find a good therapist! Be brave !