Anyone more clumsy on Tegretol?

I started Tegretol last Friday, spent the weekend sleeping. Taught a class yesterday and tripped and fell backwards. Which I tried to stop with my hand out as I fell. Now have two fractures on my radius, one complete transverse and one longitudinal. In a cast and I am wondering if starting Tegretol has caused me to be a little clumsy. This is a class I have taught for 8 years and never had an injury before. Is it possible the drug helped in causing the fall or is it just a fluke?
On an upside ( fingers crossed on good hand) I have not had any pain yet since starting the Tegretol; so am hoping that was the drug. Very nice to not have the TN pain. All so up side, the fractures hurt but less than the TN pain. Don’t get me wrong if I move my arm or thumb or try to grab/lift anything my arm hurts but the TN pain is my new standard of worse pain ever.

I’m due to start on tegratol soon so hearing this is encouraging… despite the fractures, I am sorry about those x

Sorry to hear about your fall & fractures...but happy to know that someone is being helped by tegretol. I understand that if it helps, it is usually type 1 TN. Please look up ALL the side effects of the drug. Tegretol never helped me, nor did any of the other crapload of drugs they put me on.....except for screwing up my life with side effects. One of the drugs (I forget which one) caused me to have horrible balance much so that they wrote in my chart I had cerebellar ataxia. Funny though that when I stopped taking the drug...ALL of my balance issues went away. Another drug caused me to have horrible knee pain (I literally cried just trying to sit on the toilet)....which they diagnosed as sudden onset severe arthritis...even though my x-rays showed nothing. But they insisted ti was not a drug side-effect. But again, when I stopped the med, all the pain went away. That's when I did my own research on that drug and found that arthralgia (joint pain) was indeed a side effect...but it was one of the least common no one bothered to read further than the most common side effects. WE REALLY NEED TO BE OUR OWN ADVOCATES AND DO OUR OWN RESEARCH. If it is a side effect of tegretol for you, there is a newer version of it called trileptal, which is supposed to have fewer side effects.

Best of luck & hope you stay TN pain-free!

Yea,Im sure the tegretol caused your balance problem.It did that to me and i had to cut way down on activities.Im so sorry about your fall and injuries.I know it's small comfort,but it could always have been even worse.You will get accustomed to the drug,although you may have to increase dosage as time goes on.It's great it is working to keep the monster pain penned up!And without terrible side effects and allergic reactions that don't allow some to take it.Best to you.Heal up fast!Don

I was on Tegretol and it made me 'kooky and virtually unable to function..slept half the day'. So after 4 days I called my Dr. and went to sse him and he changed me to Trileptal and am doing fine. My Dr. said it was much like Tegretol but a newer version so to speak that didn't have as much of the side effects of Tegretol. Just sharing my experience as I feel Tegretol could have created you dizziness and fall. Fast healing to you...

Am I the only one curious about what type of class you were teaching? Sounds like dance or yoga to me :). Anyhow, sorry for the fracture, and happy for the pain control. I just got back from the Neuro and am starting tegretol tonight. I am nervous! She is starting me on a wicked low dose, particularly because I am nervous about side effects. Pain is so hard to deal with, but so is losing yourself to side effects. What a beast this TN is.

Don't worry.The tegretol should help you.As imperfect as it is,it is the #1 prescribed drug that is some help for this awful condition.It will most likely at least take the edge off the pain and just make you sleepy and rest all day which isn't a bad thing.It may do much more for you.I usually popped a tylenol along with it myself.Sometimes two or three,although im not recommending that.

Leeters said:

Am I the only one curious about what type of class you were teaching? Sounds like dance or yoga to me :). Anyhow, sorry for the fracture, and happy for the pain control. I just got back from the Neuro and am starting tegretol tonight. I am nervous! She is starting me on a wicked low dose, particularly because I am nervous about side effects. Pain is so hard to deal with, but so is losing yourself to side effects. What a beast this TN is.

Tegretol and I did not get along at all, it caused horrible cramping in my legs and dizzyness beyond belief, it also did cause me to be extremely clumsy ( I have never been graceful, but it got much worse)

If its working for you, I would stay on it and just be more cautious, but I guess you know that already!!! I am so sorry you got hurt...that sucks!!!

Hope you feel better soon


Northern RN: I have been on Tegretol for about a month. When I started taking it, I had only minor pains. After taking it, the pain was completely gone. However, this drug did have a negative effect on my memory. I now have trouble remembering the names of people I have known for years. Last Sunday, I was dressing for church and I couldn't remember how to tie my tie. Also, I recently had a blood test at the VA. My doc says I am anemic and should discontinue the tegretol.

I am also on Tegretol and am definitely more clumsy. My gait is also altered. I have been on it for 18 months and still have the same side effects.

For me taking Tegretol has been a blessing because of the reduced pain. The first couple of days I was a little groggy but after a few days I felt fairly normal. I do have some memory issues and a slight lack of balance because of the drug. But for me it has been a blessing allowing me to talk, eat and smile (and most importantly brush my teeth) :). I take 500 mg Tegretol with 30mg Cymbalta. Good luck finding the drug combination that works for you. Read up on side effects and also realize that many times the side effects significant reduce intensity over time. So I would not give up too early on a drug but I also believe your body knows best. I have accepted that I won't be able to live completely the life I led before. Pain is a harsh and fast teacher. I like finding a safe base and then move outward to try more and expand slowly. Life is not a contest of keeping up with the Jones that maybe Facebook would have us believe!:) I learned this when I was finally realize the simple joy of brushing my teeth pain free. Tina

Well said Tina!!! This is very helpful as I’m
struggling with losing a “normal” life.