I feel as though I am battling this illness by myself because no one seems to understand the severity of it, I spend the majority of my days in chronic pain. I have a very demanding job and I just don't think I can do it any more, Please help!
Hi Kelleyst, so been where you are now and feel for you, but you aren't alone in this community, all of whom do understand and know what you're going through. The trouble with chronic pain is it can wear you down over time, especially if you try to carry on like nothing has changed. Having a demanding job, won't help. The trick I've found is to prioritise and pace yourself. Work out the must dos and anything else doesn't get done or time frames need to set more realistically to factor in your needs.. Too many must do's means you either delegate or let folk know it won't be done. Demanding health is your number one priority. Sounds like you need to have some time out - some me time. your illness is what it is, so the best way to co-habit is to work out your limitations and then work with them, rather than trying to overcome them. Work out any triggers you may have and avoid them like the plague. If you in too much pain constantly it will impact your sleep and cognitive capability and even weight. So you need to prioritise pain management to the top of your list. Don't become disheartened, its hard, but it does get better. Just treat each day, one day at a time and find something good or positive in each day. Give yourself a break from your illness and go do something just for you, that you enjoy. All the best, Smiley.
Thank you!!!!!!!! I am so glad we have this group. I went to the Dr. yesterday and they put me on Lyrica. I spent the entire night throwing up and dry heaving from the side effects.
I guess what is difficult for me is to realize how isolated I have become because it is so hard for me to talk.
Smiley has some great advice. I was / am in the same boat - very hectic, high stress, heavy travel work when I had the sudden onset of GPN, and likely GN, and TN. I had to quit the one client after a couple of months. Plus, my wife doesn't get it and has not been supportive at all. I'm hoping to get to a surgical solution soon.
Good luck and hang in there Kelley !!
Kelleyst said:
Thank you!!!!!!!! I am so glad we have this group. I went to the Dr. yesterday and they put me on Lyrica. I spent the entire night throwing up and dry heaving from the side effects.
I guess what is difficult for me is to realize how isolated I have become because it is so hard for me to talk.
Kellyst, Dry heaving etc is not good. Hope you have called your doctor, there are lots of alternatives out there. If its hard to talk, maybe try textings etc. where you can. Losing your voice can be terribly isolating, but using soical media can help you get a bit of that back. Hang in there, it will get better, sometimes it just takes a while to get there :)