After MVD

has anyone suffers or heard about unbeleivable head pain and pressure after MVD?

Yes for several days. Maybe ask to raise dose if pain med!?

Kc Dancer Kc said:

Yes for several days. Maybe ask to raise dose if pain med!?

how about a year after MVD?

That’s when you should discuss with your surgeon! ASAP! What are you on?

It’s not TN pain

but like post op pain still?

After 18 months I’ve felling pain and burning…I read in a post that rainy weather affects the nerves…does any one feel pain with cold rainy weather??

cold, almost 100% of us !!!!!

But even in Florida, a warm gust of wind would not be as bad as a same cold wind, but not pleasant! Barometric pressure. Put that in search box and will find hundreds of posts!

I am 7 months post MVD and take amitriptyline everynight to take the headpain/pressure away. My post surgery headaches never went away and then it turned into more of a pressure feeling behind my eyes. Both are taken care of with the medication. I suffered from a spinal fluid leak and had to have a lumbar drain placed 5 weeks post surgery...I am not sure if that is why I had these issues or not. Did you have a spinal fluid leak?

I have been seen by many Drs and pain management Drs. They just dont know what is the problem? I am taking carbomazapine and cymbalta to manage the pain.

The head pain and pressure is unbearable. It feels more like constant vibration.

no one diagnosed me with spinal fluid leak. Who did you see to get this diagnosis?

SaraM29 said:

I am 7 months post MVD and take amitriptyline everynight to take the headpain/pressure away. My post surgery headaches never went away and then it turned into more of a pressure feeling behind my eyes. Both are taken care of with the medication. I suffered from a spinal fluid leak and had to have a lumbar drain placed 5 weeks post surgery...I am not sure if that is why I had these issues or not. Did you have a spinal fluid leak?

Since my MVD in April, I’ve had intermittent pressure type pain in the back of my head above the incision area…my neuro recommended massage therapy as he thinks it could be muscle tightness, from the muscle healing.
I went for my first appointment 2 weeks ago and coincidence or not I felt reduced pressure AND reduced TN pain…
I’ll let you know how it goes in the coming weeks, but ethos something to consider ?
(( hugs )) Mimi

An Emergency room would see if you had a CSF or not : )

i had a csf leak and got a week of lieing on my back with a lumbar drain, but it only held for 5 days and they opened it back up and resealed it. smash a gnome here had something like that ( ask him as he might have more insight.

I am 14 months out from MVD. I had headache when I woke up and it never went away. I had my first Botox injections this past Friday for the headaches. I am also on IV antibiotics for mastoiditis. Apparently the surgeon damaged the mastoid bone during surgery and I also picked up some type of a bacteria in the hospital. The pain behind my ear was thought to be entrapped nerves in the incision but it was actually the infection in the mastoid bone which over the past 14 months spread to the skull. Botox was on "hold" hoping that the headaches would clear up as the infection cleared up. No such luck. When I was given the OK for the shots I rescheduled the appointment and will know in a few weeks if it works on the headaches. I will have to continue with the IV antibiotics until the infection is gone. I am on week 5 of the antibiotics and still way a way to go. I told the surgeon 8 weeks after the surgery that I was having trouble with the ear and terrible headaches -- he told me to give it time and that was the end of my follow up visits. Best of luck to you finding a remedy.