3rd MVD

Hi all I had my 3rd MVD on the 16th Novenber and they found another compression but the surgeon decided to "gently manipulate" the nerve. My face is numb from mid cheek to the bottom of my jaw, but is managable. I was in the theater five days later with a CSF leak, 10 days in hospital. I was told not to drive untill my post opp appointment, so have had a lot of rest at home. So far so good, I was on 1000mgs of Tegritol and have take that to 800mgs as they wanted me to stay on my original level for 6 weeks, to keep things quiet and settled. Gosh it takes a long time to get over the fear of pain, but I'm getting there. Take care all Cheers Karol


Hope all continues to improve and you have a wonderful New Year ahead of you.


May this MVD mark the end of your pain and may you have a wonderful year ahead and many many pain free years.


Karol, How do you know if you have a CSF leak? I'm 2 weeks post my first MVD and am curious to know what to watch for. Thanks.

Hi Jory - the leak started as soon as I was up and walking, fluid started running from my nostral on the same side as my MVD was performed and I was taken back onto surgery 5 days later. You should be fine I have had two other MVDs with no leak. All the best for a complete recovery. I'm 6 weeks and 3 days post and all is well. Cheers Karol

Thanks for the info. I wasn't thinking that I have one, but I did want to know what to watch for. I also know 2 other people that are considering the surgery, so I want to educate myself.