29 wks pregnant. Med advice?

My attacks had been non stop this past week so I was admitted to the hospital . I had an MRI and am waiting on neuro and the results. So far the neurologist has told me all the medications I can take are very dangerous to the baby ( I do understand there are risks). I was wondering if anyone had been through pregnancy with this and if theywhere on meds and what kind. . I am terrified.

Hi NurseKatie,
First congrats on your pregnancy!! I hope your attacks will settle down soon.
We have a pregnancy and TN group here:

Depending on your pain and location, many of us use tricks like; heat or ice,
Lidocaine mixed creams, orajel,
(( hugs ))I’ll pray that you have an easy time of it…Mimi

I was on Lamictal during both my pregnancies ( 4 1/2 yr old and 3 month old). With both pregnancies I had more break through pain in my first trimester and then again after they were born and my hormones started leveling out. I figure this is due to the way your body metabolizes faster during pregnancy.

I'm going to give you the best list of our favorite meds -

print it out and take it to your pharmacist

Ask him which are safe for you - for neurpathic pain !!!

Ask if you can get lidocaine patches for face or lidocaine mouthwash RX

Here is the link to topicals:


Here is the link - there is a list of meds I created - and then there are a few that others added:


Hope this helps, soon!