20 Months after my MVD so far so good

Hi to All, I can report that I am still pain and meds free after 20 months since my MVD. Even found a Dentist I can thrust. Survived cleaning, and some minor work, full shots of course, don't want any recurrence. I am working out, and trying to get back in shape. Lost 20 lbs, and living my life every day. Certainly want to encourage anyone who is suffering from TN to not give up, and consider all options. My scar is still there, but I don't mind that at all, much prefer that than what I was going through. I read somewhere that if I pass seven years without recurrence that it's gone for good, so I have just over 5 years to go. Wonder if that's true. But I am taking nothing for Granted, I Thank God for each new Day, and try to visit this site when I can.

Greetings to All, and God Bless.


Such great news. I always love to hear a success story. Thanks for sharing!

i am having mvd in 2 months man i am glad to see your success story.i hate these drugs i am on and forget what its like not to be on them was it a huge relief when they where gone?

thank you for sharing your success. You could just as easily forgotten the rest of us on this site still struggling. Thanks too for the picture. That truly helps as a reality check for folks like me that wonder how much hair I will lose. Not thinking I want a buzz cut though :)

Well remember that I did my MVD in Amsterdam Nederlands as I am of Dutch nationality and live on St.Maarten in the Carbbean
I know that the US makes a much smaller scar but really I don’t care relief from constant pain is all I care about. Blessings to all

Great to hear your MVD worked and you are pain free. I had one in May 2009 and am pain free. Doesn’t it feel great to have your life back! I just wish this would work for everyone.
To Deborah - I didn’t have alot of hair shaved. It did take about a year for it to all grow back. I had the hair above it cover the shaved spot. No one could even see it.

Thanks for telling the success story (I hope it remains a success and the pain is cured for you) and for sharing your picture.