Wondering if I have this?

Been treated for an ear infection 5 months a go! Than 2 weeks after that just got worst to the point of a migraine on the left side stabbing pains deep in my ear feels internal when they strike it’s almost unbearable doctors won’t listen being treated for TMJ because my jaw does pop but I do not grind my teeth. Even after the mouth guard and soft food diet these attacks are still coming sometimes I can go 2 weeks with nothing and out of no where it hits and let me tell you the next day feels like someone took a baseball to the side of my face even hurts to chew. And I’m extremely tired from it any advice where to go? Michigan location starting to feel crazy

Forgot to add dizziness, and when the stabbing occurs my left side of my face is weak eye doesn’t move feels swollen even side of the mouth any advice on anything would be great thank you and happy holidays