I am here because I am at a crossroads with my TN and it seems that it's been a challenge at every turn and that nothing that should go easily with this, has.
I had a very painful flareup in June that wouldn't fade so I went to see my regular doctor. Couldn't get in. Saw another doctor in her practice. He rushed me out with steroids and Vicodin. No restrictions on my work. Took the pills and went back to work when half way done with the pills. Blew out the steroids entirely.
Had to go urgent care because the swelling hit my optic nerve and made me dizzy and made my sight blurry. I got an injection of steroids in my left glute--four inch needle. It made the inflammation subside and I was given more steroids. I was also given more steroids and Norco. The urgent care doctor also recommended that I get coffee enemas for my TN because I had a "heavy metal toxicity". Uh, yeah. No.
So then I see my regular doctor a week later. Apparently, I had a deep inner ear infection the whole time that was triggering my TN that no one had bothered to look for. (This was at week three.) I was given antibiotics and ordered to stay home for five days. I was also ordered to get bloodwork and given a referral to a neurologist, my first time seeing a neurologist for this. I was told the referral would take up to two weeks to arrive.
My bloodwork was lost by an inept person in my doctor's office. (I am 100 percent healthy other than a high level of inflammation in my body from the TN.) I had terrible customer service at a Target pharmacy who didn't bother to look in their system before telling me that my doctor hadn't sent prescriptions when she had. When I received the referral dated the 2nd, a call to the neurologist's office was met by an answering machine message saying that he was on vacation and would be back on July 9th.
I had a bad flare two days ago---hit my optic nerve again. I didn't want to do the urgent care thing again so I fought it and cried and pushed through like I always have. I called the neurologist today and the message said that the doctor would be gone until the 16th now.
Called my doctor to get a referral to another neurologist. It's going to take up to two more days to get that.
I've been scared about my options and my treatment of this and whether the pain will ever go away. I have a wonderful husband and my work has been understanding of all of this but it's a lot to take. I am so scared of what the future holds with this.
I can only hope that the neurologist has something new for me on this that makes this all easier. Thanks for giving me the space to vent....
UPDATE: Was told today and my referral is with their medical director. Still frustrated, still in pain. I am so sad and scared today. I waited until my husband left for some errands to cry today. I am angry that my pain isn't a priority to anyone responsible for my healthcare. I am hostage to this pain and feeling hopeless. I should have gone to urgent care again this week and gotten more steroids. I didn't want to put my body through that but I guess that doesn't matter now.