What do you take for breakthrough pain?

Wondering what most of you take for consistent breakthrough pain? I’m at 1600mg Tegretol with heavy duty side effects so am not increasing anymore as discussed with my neuro.

In the past I’ve taken tramadol, but that just makes me a loopy vegetable and gives me a severe hangover like headache. I’ve also read that it’s not great to take with Tegretol.

My TN is getting worse, and I see my neuro on sept.12th so I’m just looking into what works for some? I know my neuro sent my GP a protocol to follow if I get worse which would include adding a new med to the mix, but I’m trying to avoid that until I see him in 2 weeks.
I just don’t want to be a zombie and deal with more side effects etc I know I might have too in the short term while I look into MVD but I would really like to try and get through the next two weeks and discuss with neuro.
Some of you have mentioned patches? Can you tell me more about those? Of course if it gets unbearable I will go see doc ASAP or head to ER.
Thanks in advance, Mimi

Lidocaine patches Rx - saved my life! LOL

Helped me get thru so many breakthru pain times - there is a cream - but it's less powerful

Call up your doctor and ask!!!

Has helped many

teeeny % had skin break outs

No side effects - no druggy feeling - just relief!

Looks kinda funny wearing them though!

I have the gel and have to say it does a pretty good job, especially since I have pain that goes into my gums. It numbs that area really well.

Just make sure if u do got to the ER that u take a protocol with u from your doctor…set in place ahead of time otherwise they will just give u regular pain meds which only make u drowsy and don’t do much for the pain. Or worse yet…blame u for drug seeking and give u a tylenol and send u home!! Very few docs especially ER docs know anything about TN… I have been using the lidocaine patches with good success and I use lidocaine nasal spray for nose pain…it is awesome for short periods of relief!! Consider adding a second drug to the mix though…seriously if u already have bad side effects from the tegretal ,the only thing u have to risk is relief!! ((HUGS))

Thanks for your replies, I will definately look into these patches ASAP!
Lisa, I’ve been to ER twice in 10 yrs for TN pain , I would only do it as last resort. Appreciate your suggestion of having my doc give a protocol, will look into that!
My breakthrough pain is the ice pick in the ear, and pain in teeth and gum area. Had three good hours today pain free and thought maybe just maybe it was gone…but NO! Oh well am glad I had those 3 hours of feeling “normal” it has been awhile…again thanks for your help.