
Has anyone been prescribed Verapamil for their TN along with their other meds. Have been taking now for 3 days following reduction in Tegretol. Pain worse since this change, though doc said would take a few days to take effect.

Hi Anan! Are you tn1 or atypical? I’m atypical and have TN1
Shocks from time to time. I’ve been on verapamil 240mg for about 4yrs, It does take a week or two to notice if it’ll work for you. It takes off the edge but I’m still in pain all the time, I can’t tolerate tegratol, gabapentin, nortriptyline, amitriptyline, lyrica (horrible side effects) so my Neuro has me on verapimil & baclofen, I also have vicodin for breakthrough pain too. There’s not too many meds that my body can handle and another surgery is not an option. After 8yrs, I’m still trying to find the right potion! =). I wish you the best and hang in there with the verapimil, it might work for you. Keep me posted. ~Erica

Hi eadt,

I also have type 1 and type 2. Thanks for the response, I'll keep gong for a few weeks and see how things go.
