
I was in so much pain this morning like I said in my earlier blog. My husband walked in and saw me crying and rocking back and forth with a hot wash cloth. He left the house and went to the medical clinic where my doctor practices and apparantley raised quite a fuss about the whole leaving me in pain and my allergic reaction to tegretol. After all his sterness and getting irrate with the staff they told him to bring me in at 12:00.

He picked me up and had me at the clinic at 12:00 and the whole staff was very helpful this time! I was covered in a rash from head to toe and they wanted me to sit in the waiting room and I said noway so they put me in another waiting room and after 1/2 an hour the rash was worse and my face more swollen then it was when I went in. One of the receptionist came and looked at the rash and put me in a private room right away. The doctor came in right away and after showing him the med the oral surgeon gave me knew right away what was wrong. After checking my breathing he became concerned and said i need to be put on predisone right away because I was going into toxic shock...great...then he told me he had the results of my Sinus scan and my sinus's are full of polyps. He said the prednisone will help with the polyps and he didn't want to do anything else til my pain and allergic reaction were under control. Once I got home and calmed down I remember reading that sinus problems could cause TN? Trust me I will be searching this further and if anyone knows anything please contact me.

So now I'm on 50 mgs of prednisone daily for one week, then it reduces for the next month. I have read posts here how prednisone helps some people with TN and Im hoping it does me. He also put me on Gabapentin for the TN pain. my dose for that is 1200 mg. 3 times a day. Wish me luck and thank you Heather and Jackie for your kind words and support, they are really appreciated.


My heart goes out to you and your husband! It is very hard on the spouse because they can't fix your pain and it creates anger and a sense of powerless. I look back on what my husband had to deal with and it is no wonder our marriage suffered. Lack of support and I was so detached from all the pain that we stopped being able to connect emotionally. I hope your meds work and I pray that your husband holds up through this. I had a reaction like that to augmentin and sulfa and it was an allergic reaction. My whole face swelled and my legs were covered in rash. Prednisone is usually used to counter attack the allergic reaction. They gave me prednisone also but I didnt' complete the prescription because of my fears of the side affects. What little I took got rid of the allergic reaction though. I've never heard of polyps in the sinuses. but I suppose you can get them there?

Thank you so much my friends for the warm wishes. Today I'm feeling a bit of relief from the pain I can lick my lips without severe pain but still can't eat. I'm just using a meal replacement for now. As for the prednisone my pharmist said since I'm only taking it for a month the side effects shouldn't be too bad.

Heather, Im so sorry about your sinus problems you and I seem to have the exact same history. Did you get my message yesterday about teeth? I already use the netipot system and I find it makes my TN worse...don't know why...so I've stopped it for awhile. Im so glad they helped you at the ER ...did they give you more gabapentin? Hope you are still feeling better my friend and ditto on the contacting me if you want to talk. Lauren XXOO.

Sunshine, Thanks for your wishes again. I think my husband got to the point where hes just so fed up of me being sick he lost it. I'm glad he did though. My doctor told me that my breathing was so bad If I had taken any more tegretol I would of stopped breathing. So thank god he did take me. Normally he's not supportive in anything for me. Lauren