Uk sufferers

Hi to all sufferers of T/N,would love to hear from anyone in the UK,as i guess the care/info here is probably quite different from that in the states.Being a reletive newbee to all this,im really not sure as to what to expect from my GP,who,to be honest,gave me no info at all,and was quite happy to sighn a prescription on the say-so of my dentist,the only "checks" he did was to look in my eyes/ears & throat,ask me if my vision was blurred at all,with that he sighned the prescription pad telling me i could up the dose from 200mgs a day up to 600mgs a day over the course of a few weeks & with that he sent me on my way!!!!!

Much like getting a bad haircut at the salon,i took the prescription without saying a word:(

Im going back today to get the results of a blood test,i've been given some great advice by other members on this site,but being a bit of a typical Brit,smile & say nothing,i was wondering if there are any other Brits out there who could tell me how they dealt with their GP's, thanks Lisa xx

You have to take charge!!! You need a referal to a neurologist and that should get the ball rolling. MRI scan is the next thing as that will determine whether surgery is suitable for you. You should also join the TN association,
I found with my GP that I have to be the lead. They have no idea about thus problem. You get loads of infofrom the TNA and I go armed with that when I need things done. Good luck. Anna

hi lisa,i was treated for tn for 18mths,upping the dose every couple of mths.Eventually had mri which found true cause of my pain.So please insist on mri asap.