Hi to all sufferers of T/N,would love to hear from anyone in the UK,as i guess the care/info here is probably quite different from that in the states.Being a reletive newbee to all this,im really not sure as to what to expect from my GP,who,to be honest,gave me no info at all,and was quite happy to sighn a prescription on the say-so of my dentist,the only "checks" he did was to look in my eyes/ears & throat,ask me if my vision was blurred at all,with that he sighned the prescription pad telling me i could up the dose from 200mgs a day up to 600mgs a day over the course of a few weeks & with that he sent me on my way!!!!!
Much like getting a bad haircut at the salon,i took the prescription without saying a word:(
Im going back today to get the results of a blood test,i've been given some great advice by other members on this site,but being a bit of a typical Brit,smile & say nothing,i was wondering if there are any other Brits out there who could tell me how they dealt with their GP's, thanks Lisa xx