Trigeminal Shingles

I had an MVD 9 months ago for trigimenal neuralgia. I haven't felt the nerve pain since I woke up in ICU after surgery. I feel completely back to normal and am very gratefull. Two weeks ago I developed trimeninal shingles. I was told by the doctor it could be extremely painfull. Fortunately, it didn't turn out to be real painfull and I am already getting over it. Has anyone had these shingles that have TN? If so did they seem to come back or was it just one time.


I haven’t but I asked on a post a few months ago if we should get the shingles shot. I have been concerned about getting shingles on that nerve. I can’t imagine how painful it would be. I’m glad yo had success with your MVD.
Liz K.

My neurologist believes that my TN was kicked off from shingles. I had shingles on my face on the left side and then devoloped TN on my right. I am happy that your shingles did not hurt, they are vicious.

I should also mention that for a short while there was consideration that my diagnosis was something other than TN, such as mentioned below (PHN and the like). I have a great dr. who sent me to a neurologist right away instead of guessing at it.

I got the shingles on my Left forehead after I had a Radio Frequency Rhizotomy. The good thing is that the surgery left my whole Left side numb, so I didn’t feel them. But I still get them occasionally. When I turned 60 I had the shot (you must be 60), but I still get them occasionally. Very bad stress seems to bring them out. I had the shot because I was afraid it would go into my eye, which would not be good.