Trigeminal Neuralgia second time

Hello members, i wanted to bring you up to date with my jaw pain/ gum pain/ ear pain. I have made my appointment about 4 months ago with the specialist about why does my gums burn to the point where I can’t cope everyday. It has been in remission for 3 or 4 months but it always comes back again within the year and will last about 4 months or so everyday. The only time I feel relief is when I fall asleep and stay in bed. As soon as I get out of bed to start my day it begins throughout the day. I don’t know why it starts as soon as I get out of bed. It’s like when I start to move around in the morning it will start and it doesn’t go away until I sleep. The burning of my gums is the worst part of this. The pain is a 10. Nothing will take this pain away from me. The specialist is booked for a year with patient’s. I see her in July unless she gets lots of cancellations. She is that good and understands burning mouth syndrome and facial pain etc…. I hope she knows what I’m dealing with from my gums burning all day and what it is that I need to do. This has been 5 years for me and every year it comes back out of nowhere. I would figure a dentist would have an idea why my gums are burning but they told me my gums look fine. The scans showed nothing other then my jaw is out of line a little but why this would make my gums burn so bad is beyond me. Since this started my ears have not stopped ringing. I can handle that but I need help with the gum pain. It almost feels like a nerve that is causing my pain in my gums. I don’t know what else that could cause so much pain for a person. I will admit that I’m worried why this is happening to me and I can’t get a straight answer as to what is going on. I can’t go another round of getting this again for 4 months everyday. I will go to emergency and tell them they need too do all the scans on me around my mouth/jaw or where this is coming from. They need to know a human being can’t live through this everyday for 4 or 5 months without not doing anything for me. Obviously something is going on to cause this pain in my mouth. I don’t know why it’s so hard to find what’s causing this pain all day. I would give anything to receive some answers to what is going on. Has this happened to anyone before? Thanks for your time.

Sorry for you that the face pain returned. Now nearly three years later, I hope it disappeared again. For me, it began, I took a dose of carbamazepine, ONE DOSE, and it disappeared for over a year. That was at least 10 years ago. As the years progressed, the TN did, too, and now I’m taking oxcarbazepine daily to keep the pain away. I just wanted to say that it is not unusual for it to disappear and then return.