TN1 diagnoses confirmed by Neurologist

I finally got to see the Neurologist today. He confirmed the emergency room doctors diagnoses TN1 bilateral. I was wondering if there is test for TN or is it up to a doctors opinion per the symptoms of the patient? He spent quite a bit of time looking and having me do all kinds of things with my muscles in my face. But asked my lots of questions about past episodes etc. Starting me out with Tegretol. He said I will need blood work in a month to check the Tegretol levels.

glad you got confirmation! the tegretol can keep people painfree for a long time-- usually after six months the doc will try to wean you off to see if you are in a remission. Remissions are pretty common... we all pray for the best!! I have been on 200 mg. of tegretol for a month and it has stopped pain completely !!! I caught it pretty early...only had one attack that lasted a week on and off...

Good doctors that understand… Symptoms only!

Rarely confirmed unless specialized MRI

Glad you got on a good path with them!

Thanks Kc and tacocat...seem like this doctor has a good grasp on TN... just odd having him feeling around on my face and having me make faces for him hehehe..I started the tegrotol tonight.. no nausea as of yet.. I will be logging in more often since I will have be slow down some for the next 6 or so weeks. going to have my shoulder re worked on Thursday.. ruptured rotator cuff.. sad thing is I had the tear repaired last Nov and the only activity that would have possible re injured has been physical therapy,, so I will be checking in contributing more and more.. much thanks you guys here..

Welcome to the group and I am so glad that you have been able to get a diagnosis so that you can work on finding a solution to your pain.
Give yourself some time to get used to the medication, I found it sort of weird at the start. Now I guess now I am more used to weird if that makes any sense.

Hope the tegretol works for you.

Hugs trish

Glad to hear you were able to get in with a neurologist. One thing I’ve heard is if you have a reduction in pain from Tegretol, that also confirms you have TN. Hope you get relief with the meds.

Good luck with your shoulder surgery!!

Hello group.... Im new to TN,,, been DX about 1 mos ago ,. First on Cymbalta,, didnt work and a horrible drug..

Second on Cabamapezine 200 and it works pretty good.....

I tried Accupunture and was told they can cure TN1... a joke...

Then a chiropractor told me he can cure TN1.... a bigger joke....

I hope the meds continue to work and I can get my life back.... Next week I try tennis again... john

Welcome Mickey,

As far as I can determine, there is no test for TN, though sometimes an MRI can show a blood vessel pressing on a nerve. Many doctors diagnose based on the patient's response to medication; that's disturbingly like being used as a guinea pig to me. :)

Hope the Tegretol works for you.
