Has anyone every tried Advil for the stabbing pains?? It seems to work for me when the stabbing starts. I take 4 Advil every 3-4 hours and it sometimes will stop the stabbing. I have tried a lot of other drugs for TN over the years and nothing really seems to work and when the stabs start my day is over and I am in bed. I have had TN since 1976 and was never really diagnoised with it. I thought that maybe seeing a Neurologist might help but I am afraid of the journey that lasted from 1976-2001. All the Doctors from alergist, ear, nose and throat, pain managemnt nerve blocks, Neuro’s, MRI’s CAT Scans…it all got to be too much and the Neuro suggested i see a Psychiatrist and that made me cry at the time but have seen one for years and am on a "cocktail’ of daily meds. …but when the stabbing breaks through…when the triggers start the stabs up…such as invasive dental work, windy days, old dust …I stay on my meds but add Advil to the mix. It will work for me but is starting to irritate my stomach. I save Advil for only stabbing pains so hopefully my stomach won’t give out from the irritation.
I take it some times but it does not really work for my TN but it make other things a bit more bearable.
I was taking lots of Advil to help with the pain… and it did help. When I mentioned it to the Dr. she was very worried as I was taking more than I should have been and it is very hard on your kidney function and hard on your stomach. Be very careful and have your kidney function tested every so often to make sure you are not damaging it.
Yes, you are right it is very hard on your body…but nothing else seems to work!!!
the doctor perscribed me 800mg of ibuprofen but said that it should only be temporary untill they find the right dose to take of other meds. i’m currently not on anything so i do take it quite often it at least makes thing tolerable.