Tegretol and weakness

My body is becoming weaker, dizziness starting since ER visit. Is it from my Tegretol or could it be Peripheral Neuropathy? So frustrated! My Neurologist just said to go see my general doctor since bloodwork wasn't showing anything but a lowered TSH level (which doubled in a week). I've been on Tegretol for 3 months now, only 600mg a day... I also take Synthroid due to having a partial thyroid.

I have been on Tegretol for almost two months (1200mg a day) and I get dizzy and forget things ALL the time and just all around more moody! Which started as soon as I started taking the Tegretol (at lower dosage). I now have horrible joint pains in the mornings in my knees and ankles and I have also started getting bad headaches which started when I went up the the current dosage of 1200. I also noticed my head would itch really bad when I got sweat after a workout...but that has since gone away.

I never had any of these problems prior so I am thinking they are all from the Tegretol. Even on the max dosage for me I still have pains. My neurosurgeon wants me to have the MVD, but I need to put it off until next year. So he is sending me to a neurologist in the mean time to get something to help with the headaches and to discuss adding a second medicine along side the Tegretol to hopefully stop all the pain.