A flare up just recently ended. I called the Dr. wanting to increase gabapentin from 3 a day to 4. When the Dr called back the flare up had subsided. Right now I have no pain, just a twinge to remind me that it’s still there. When I originally started the gabapentin I though gabapentin was take as needed. Luckily a friend of mine read the bottle and told me that it was not a take as need but all the time. Wonder if my take as needed idea increased the intensity of the flare up. Told Dr that I had only been taking the medication as needed but now I was taking the medication as it should be taken and maybe I didn’t need to increase to 4. The nurse told me that if I needed to, I could increase to 4.
Glad the gabapentin is helping you. It does nothing for my TN pain which is mostly in my left eye, missing #12 tooth and roof of my mouth. Plus the side effects are intolerable for me. Hope you pain is kept at bay with the gabapentin.
Gabapentin works great for me. Very grateful for that. I take it every single day though as you said. Neurologist said I have to take it until I am shock/pain free for at least 3 months straight. Keep having to reset the clock but grateful my pain is manageable with this drug and I don’t have to take too much so my side effects are also manageable.
I was wondering about that. For the last week I’ve had only small shocks now and then to remind me that it’s still there. I’m glad you mentioned 3 months without any shocks at all. I was again thinking of not taking the gabapentin because the shocks were so minor. Thank you again for sharing that.
With most of the medications used in managing TN, there is a threshold level in the bloodstream that must be attained before therapeutic effects kick in. Thus few of these meds can be used “as needed”. It generally takes a few days to taper up to levels that are effective.
Regards, Red
I take 7 a day. I had an MVD 6 1/2 yrs ago. I have damaged from the Gamma Knife that I had 2 yrs. prior to that. I’m miserable with a different kind of pain only it’s 24/7. Never goes away. Hate hate hate it. My ten is gone but stuck with this. Lots of luck to you.