I think i posted in the wrong area!! new here! had TN for just over 2 years. i have it on both sides but something happened the other week thats concerning me and my doc has no idea!
so i was in bed one night and my forehead felt tingly and fuzzy, just the front part of forehead. next day i woke up and it was the same just that part of forehead, tingly, fuzzy and ‘high’ and also i felt pressure in my head and my face felt puffy, although it wasn’t. this was on and off all week BUT, throughout that week with all the forehead stuff my vision went funny, like i was drunk and blurred and that happened all week to, on and off. and then i was sat there and out of nowhere it felt like a needle was smacked into the top of my head and an electric blot down the side of my face.
it went away for 4 days but my forehead is starting to feel that way again and im really worried as my doc has no idea! im not under a neuro, i have seen 3 and they have all been useless and handed me pills with no answers. and im really worried about this new thing. is this par of TN? has anyone had this before? and if this is now going to carry on or just come on out of nowhere then im comlpletely housebound and will have o give up driving and that will just destroy me.
Certainly not an expert, but the forehead sounds a bit like how my partner used to describe hers, on right side only, but used words like ballooning above eye & over forehead, that was her main pain area. If she touched lip wrong way she’d get a big shock on forehead area.
She had the funny vision/drunk thing, she described it like her brain was floating and if she turned head, the brain would lag behind like the old floating ball compasses for cars. We put it down to the Lyrica she started taking at that time, but maybe it wasn’t, hers cleared up after a few weeks, and she also got off the Lyrica soon after that.
Hope yours also clears up, maybe others can provide more details.
thanks for replying. yes, i can relate to compass thing and brain lagging behind but i can touch my face with no pain (touch wood at the moment). i originally put it down to taking an antibiotic, 2 ibuprofen, 2 cocodamol for back and knee pain that night along with my usual meds but i have only taken my TN meds since, i booked myself in for an eye test tomoro. wonder what it could be as neuros no longer interested and doc knows nothing about this! i hope it passes as i just can’t stop driving and the thought of being confined to the house is unbearable!!
Is this on one side of the face? Have you had a recent procedure? Some of the symptoms you are describing sound like the beginnings of anesthesia dolorosa.
What meds are you on for TN? I had a strange reaction to lamotrigene after being on it for almost a year. Finally after D/Cing it, all my weird symptoms went away. Look carefully through ALL the reactions for your meds. Mine was one of the rare reactions.
Sorry to hear of your problems, , I didn’t see were you have had an MRI. After suffering through a lot of things, my Neuro ordered an MRI and I have a brain tumor. Hoping that is not the case but you may need to rule it out. Good luck to you Gloria[quote=“givingup, post:1, topic:13339”]