I wonder how many of us here understand the difference between addiction and dependency.
I am seeing all of this anti-sentiment against Opiates, which are critical to some ATN patients, and some TN patients to control their pain, so that they can make it through their days, raise their children, live life with this horrible disorder.
How many more misunderstand that pain killers are made for people in pain? I am not ashamed to say that I need these, what in my case, and in many others, could be considered life-saving medicines.
They don't call this disease "The Suicide Disease" FOR NO REASON! I was almost in hell on earth before I started Hydrocodone. It wasn't enough. But, now I am mostly maintained on Morphine, Oxycodone and two other meds which help them to work better.
My face was experiencing unrelentless pressure, pain, throbbing, stinging, and crushing feelings before I was prescribed these meds, I told my fiance to leave me, as I was no good for him. I was thinking of who should take my children, as I was unable to raise them in the condition I was in.
Opiate medication saved my life as I know it, and I thank the doctors who had the understanding of my suffering to prescribe them.
I AM ADDICTED to living a more pain free life. I am DEPENDENT on OPIATES, which are the tools I use to do so!
How many? How many do not understand Addiction vs. Dependency?
With much love and respect to all of our members,