
I wonder how many of us here understand the difference between addiction and dependency.

I am seeing all of this anti-sentiment against Opiates, which are critical to some ATN patients, and some TN patients to control their pain, so that they can make it through their days, raise their children, live life with this horrible disorder.

How many more misunderstand that pain killers are made for people in pain? I am not ashamed to say that I need these, what in my case, and in many others, could be considered life-saving medicines.

They don't call this disease "The Suicide Disease" FOR NO REASON! I was almost in hell on earth before I started Hydrocodone. It wasn't enough. But, now I am mostly maintained on Morphine, Oxycodone and two other meds which help them to work better.

My face was experiencing unrelentless pressure, pain, throbbing, stinging, and crushing feelings before I was prescribed these meds, I told my fiance to leave me, as I was no good for him. I was thinking of who should take my children, as I was unable to raise them in the condition I was in.

Opiate medication saved my life as I know it, and I thank the doctors who had the understanding of my suffering to prescribe them.

I AM ADDICTED to living a more pain free life. I am DEPENDENT on OPIATES, which are the tools I use to do so!

How many? How many do not understand Addiction vs. Dependency?

With much love and respect to all of our members,


Thank you! Yes! I have been on narcotics for a year now- since my diagnosis with TN. Since my MVD in Feb and then an unrelated spine surgery (Whoo hooo!) I have been on oxycontin and oxycodone. Because, I HAVE to take it. All RX from my neurosurgeon. There would be no way I could even move or breathe without pain, without it. It would be literal torture. So, we take it exactly as prescribed, and are able to live in more peace, and yes, my body became chemically dependent on them- thats part of the deal, and expected, (Such as is for Cancer patients, injured patients, etc.) so I keep close conversation with my dr’s, and will go to a pain specialist for expert weaning, when it is time. This is not street drug addiction, this is part of the complex recipe to healing, improving quality of life, and of getting strong, slowly and steadily, and responsibly.

Stupid question......if you are taking the drugs you mention are you taking anything else?.........for instance's I am taking Lyrica, Bacofin, Dilanti, is it possible to get on opiates and not take the ones I am taking.....I know you are NOT a doctor.....just asking what if.....forgive my stupidity but I am fairly new at this.

What is opiates? DUH me..........Thanks I will be back with more stupid questions

I think a big part of the problem is the media. They sensationalize any overdose that happens to some rich kid, thereby creating mass hysteria and fear of opiates. Every parent worries about their children, so the news broadcasts these stupid special reports about how the parents are basically supplying their kids with drugs if they have opiates in the house.

Of course the DEA, FDA, and doctors play a role in it too. But their attitudes and decisions are perpetuated by the media.


Being disabled and a chronic pain patient since 1993 I can tell you that there are far more people out there, Doctors and nurses included who have absolutely NO CLUE that there is even a difference being being addicted to drugs verses being physically dependent upon them for your life.

I cannot begin to tell you how many times I myself have been treated like some addict off the streets all because I was in pain and in need, this includes my own current pain management Doctor. Last October my hubby rushed me to ER when I overdosed on my morphine. And no matter how much we spoke to this man and tried to explain that this overdose happened through no fault of my own, meaning I had not taken any extra meds of any kind, but he simply would not believe me. They even ran a tox screen and it showed nothing but morphine. Now, he knows that I am a Christian and former missionary, and I have tried to tell him that I am not in the habit of lying to him or anyone for that matter (I do as we all do still sin, but this has never been an area in which I struggle) and no matter what we say he just will not take my word for it.

He immediately began decreasing my morphine dose saying I had a real problem, and I finally did get him to stop that and just leave the dose where it is, but he has now dropped me as a patient and has been trying to find me a new pain Doc ever since then. Since no one close by will accept me, I will be forced to travel almost 2 hours each way every 2 months just to have my morphine pump refilled, and all because he does not believe me!

I could seriously go on and on about the horrors related to this issue but I am sure you get the picture. This issue needs serious attention, as do many. But this has got to be one of the most humiliating issues we face as chronic pain patients. And it’s just not fair!!

Much love to you all,

Love Ali