Peacefulbuttons said:
Underneath the title u will c 'free PMC article' click that link and u can download a free copy of the article in pdf format
Thank you I will download that now.ww
Peacefulbuttons said:
Underneath the title u will c 'free PMC article' click that link and u can download a free copy of the article in pdf format
Thank you I will download that now.ww
Thank you I will download that now. WW
I found it interesting (and the same for me) that you put that the only relief you get is from antibiotics. When I "google" neuaralgia and antibiotics, it says that antibiotics do not work because neuralgia is nerve pain. I found this weird for me because the only time I felt relief was by antibiotics. I then, continued to google even farther and it seems to me that bad/blotched root canals can cause neuralgia. I am going to an oral surgeon tomorrow to get an opinion on this. I will keep you updated. I also read that the same procedures that work for GPN/TN/etc. will not work if you have root canal issues. I don't know why, but that is just what it said. I read that the only way to get relief is to get that tooth pulled or some other procedure. Message me if you have any other questions.
That's amazing. Thank you Kellleyst, I am seeing my Oral Med guy today and will as always be discussing this again with him. I had my root canal teeth removed about 6 years ago now,and have always felt there is a dental component to this. Just my story and a very long expensive one at that.So glad for your reply. Thanks and let me know what happens. Regards WW [Lisa]
Thought I'd wade in on this on. One of the common elements a lot of facial neuralgia patients have is that they have had root canals or unnecessary dental work done. When neuralgias fire up it can seem like you have root nerve issues with the teeth. My personal experience with this one, was I had four root canals done over a three month period, then took my xrays to another dentist only to be told there were no physiological indications present. It was actually the TN. Three weeks later with good dose of tegretol it resolved itself. Unfortunately, you can be a few thousand dollars lighter in the pocket when that happens - and having dental work can also exacerbate the neuralgia itself. So its really important to a) find a reputable dentist and b)explain you have neuralgia and provide them with some literature. Then ask them to screen for any obvious dental issues and if none are present, contact your neurologist. Having dental treatment can also trigger episodes, so if you need to go to the dentist you should talk to your doctor about whether its wise to up your meds just prior or the best kind of anaesthetic to use. These days there are a variety of methods available.
All the best,
Hi Kelleyst, I actually had my front teeth broken in a sailing race when we capsized in my early teens. Caps then and root canal treatment in my 20's. Unfortunately they were removed and a bridge put in quite a while ago now. This was a separate issue, however my Dentist was very mindful of my previous Surgery. Lots of swallowing breaks and extra neck support for me. My Doctor, Pain Clinic and Dental experts are all working in together now and that has been very important in this long process. My partner died about 18 months ago now and I no longer have the luxury of Private Health Insurance so appointments with the Neuro's can be a bit of a wait. I can not tolerate some of the side effects of the simple, usual drugs prescribed for this condition. However can still operate working 2-3 days a week on a small dose + I was prescribed a new one yesterday. It is the antibiotics that help my pain level immeasurably. Short term and not taken often for obvious reasons. No medical text book logic for that. However getting relief from this unbearable throat and neck pain, skull and tongue pain is the name of the game for me. X WW
Kelleyst said:
I found it interesting (and the same for me) that you put that the only relief you get is from antibiotics. When I "google" neuaralgia and antibiotics, it says that antibiotics do not work because neuralgia is nerve pain. I found this weird for me because the only time I felt relief was by antibiotics. I then, continued to google even farther and it seems to me that bad/blotched root canals can cause neuralgia. I am going to an oral surgeon tomorrow to get an opinion on this. I will keep you updated. I also read that the same procedures that work for GPN/TN/etc. will not work if you have root canal issues. I don't know why, but that is just what it said. I read that the only way to get relief is to get that tooth pulled or some other procedure. Message me if you have any other questions.
Warrior woman I feel my best on antibiotics as well. It lulls me into thinking I'm cured sometimes and then wham a week ordering very respected drs and adding new ones routinuely as more organs began failing, I started treatment w high dose antibiotics and started getting better. Even with insurance the medicine was astronomically expensive. I mean like over twenty thousand a year.. I was in very bad shape could not walk unaided for a while.I didnt really believe .it could b Lyme disease as this was over ten years ago and I had never heard it causing massive problems. But treating it is what made me come back from the brink. I had some pretty severe neurologicAl problems . I could not walk without a walker for a time and my hair was falling out every joint was swollen and my limbs tremors constantly. I had a rapid heart rate like resting it would routinely b in the 120s problems speaking at times did not recognize where I was at times. I was 37 when it started and had been in great physical shape swimming long distances Bout every other day. Then BAM! I was on antibiotics three years off three months back on a year or so then off now for about 7yrs. I think sometimes my problems could b damage from Lyme disease as a contributing factor. But the truth is it is very hard to get treated for chronic Lyme now. There is a witch hunt out for docs that treat it and insurance companies are pushing for them to have their licenses revolked. It is a travesty. I think hundreds of thousands of people are likely dying. I had a very weak known respected Neuro doctors university that treated me for one of my problems told me when I started improving that he had felt helpless because he thought I was dying and he had no idea where to send me or help me because one by one my organs were starting to fail. I was just adding on meds to control different problems. .
Thank you for all that information Peacefulbuttons. I feel quite overwhelmed reading all this info as I don't have a medical background. I am not traveling that well at present. There are so many story's and so much info out there. I am just getting used to a new drug in the last few days and just hope I can tolerate it with out too many side affects.Hope you are doing ok. Kind Regards WW
Peacefulbuttons said:
Warrier woman
I wanted to tell you that I read an interesting article lately. In the article a woman had had the nerve section for GPN. Her nerve section worked for a while. Then she started having the same pain again. They went back in and found that a blood vessle was laying over her cut nerves. They did an MVD on the blood vessle that laid on these cut nerves and she got relief. I know that there is something called dolorosa? that can happen when nerves are cut but it is not common. It seems like having the nerves cut should relieve the pain with the exception of this problem- that is if they cut the right nerves of course. But this paper explained a completely different reason for pain and that even after the nerves have been cut, if any stray vessels are around they can continue to cause a problem. I myself have not had any surgery yet and my problem at this time is more functional. My pain is tolerable with meds.I am doing the round of docs right now and thinking about whether to try surgery or not.
I have only met one other girl with Lyme Disease at the Pain Clinic and it really must be a battle. I really felt for her. I don't know much about it as she was not very well at all and I did not want to intrude. You are in my thoughts. WW
It is so overwhelming to have something rare that could have so many different causes. I would love to know why antibiotics make some of us feel better. It sounds like such a great clue. Hope u have pain free days in the future
Your right. It does sound like such a clue, but not one that has given any long term solution for me. Just temporary relief.
My wish for you is the same, pain free days.WW
Peacefulbuttons said:
It is so overwhelming to have something rare that could have so many different causes. I would love to know why antibiotics make some of us feel better. It sounds like such a great clue. Hope u have pain free days in the future